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Empowering tobacco-free coalitions to collect local data on worksite and restaurant smoking policies Mary Michaud, MPP University of Wisconsin-Cooperative.

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Presentation on theme: "Empowering tobacco-free coalitions to collect local data on worksite and restaurant smoking policies Mary Michaud, MPP University of Wisconsin-Cooperative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empowering tobacco-free coalitions to collect local data on worksite and restaurant smoking policies Mary Michaud, MPP University of Wisconsin-Cooperative Extension Ann Christiansen, MPH University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center Amy Anderson, MA University of Wisconsin Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation Poster Presented at the National Conference on Tobacco OR Health New Orleans November 27, 2001

2 Overview In 2000, the Wisconsin Legislature gave the Wisconsin Tobacco Control Board responsibility for developing a plan and allocating funds to reduce tobacco use and its associated health and economic costs in Wisconsin. The Board funded a comprehensive, statewide tobacco control initiative.

3 Community Coalitions Youth-Led Movement Media and Counter- marketing Cessation Support The mission of the Tobacco Control Board is to aggressively pursue the elimination of tobacco use by partnering with communities to prevent tobacco use among youth, promote cessation, and eliminate second- hand smoke. This mission will be achieved through comprehensive state and local efforts that utilize best practices and address the needs of diverse populations most adversely impacted by tobacco use. Resource Clearinghouse Statewide Programs Monitoring and Evaluation Policy and Legislative Recommendations Wisconsin Tobacco Control Board Strategic Plan Program Components

4 Background: Community Coalitions Little local data exists for community coalitions to monitor environmental tobacco smoke in their communities. Coalitions lack infrastructure to use local data for decision making. Communities do not use data to measure change over time or target program reach.

5 Rationale Standardized survey instruments, combined with technical assistance in survey implementation and data analysis, will increase coalitions ability to collect and use local data on restaurant and worksite smoking policies. We anticipate this process will lead to policy change at a local level.

6 Overall Strategy Develop standardized telephone survey instruments to measure local worksite and restaurant smoking policies. Disseminate instruments and technical guide to local tobacco-free coalitions. Provide ongoing technical assistance to coalitions implementing the surveys.

7 Inputs Staff with survey design and research skills Existing surveys of worksite and restaurant smoking policies Coalition participants Regional evaluation staff (to provide one- on-one technical assistance) Activities Develop and pilot test standardized telephone worksite and restaurant survey instruments for use at the local level Train and assist coalitions implementing worksite and restaurant smoking policy surveys Reach Facilitators, members and volunteers of local tobacco- free coalitions Short-term outcomes Coalitions use standardized instruments Coalition members gain skills in survey implementatio n and analysis Coalitions generate local data on restaurant and worksite smoking policies Long-term outcomes More ETS policies are enacted at the local level Intermediate outcomes Coalitions use data to improve program and measure change in local ETS policies over time Coalition reporting on policy strategies reflects data- driven approach Logic Model for Evaluation and Technical Assistance: Worksite and Restaurant ETS Policy Surveys Situation: Little local data exists on worksite and restaurant policies. Skills sparse at local level to conduct reliable, valid survey data.

8 Activities: Instrument Design Review literature (state and national, published and unpublished) Cooperate with Fond du Lac community coalition on survey development Develop instruments (telephone survey) Pilot test instruments Revise instruments

9 Activities: Disseminate Instruments and User Guide US mail to coalition contacts Post online Email announcements to coalitions and health departments

10 Activities: Ongoing Technical Assistance Printed guide Statewide teleconferences (4 calls, technical notes online) Continually updated web materials to support survey implementation One-on-one: Regional staff assist coalitions directly


12 Timeline: 2001 --Review literature and other instruments --Develop instruments --Develop User Guide March --Pilot test instrument --Finalize user guide AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSept-Ongoing Disseminate instruments and user guide Conduct 4 technical assistance teleconferences Coalitions begin collecting data One-on-one technical assistance

13 Short -Term Outcomes Build local survey capacity Increase local coalitions use of materials Produce new local data on restaurant and worksite smoking policies

14 Intermediate and Long-Term Outcomes Data used to improve program and measure change in local environmental tobacco smoke policies Better local understanding of issues around policy change More environmental tobacco smoke policies are enacted at local level

15 Lessons Learned Definitions are key (e.g., What is a worksite? What is a restaurant?) Sampling is new to most at local level Limited resources available for analysis Skills vary at local level Technical assistance makes a difference. Initial observations suggest data quality is improving.

16 Next Steps Reliability of results will be assessed by comparison to a statewide random sample survey Evaluation of expected outcomes Track use of instruments by coalitions Assess coalition capacity to implement surveys

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