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ProQuest Aquatic Science Collection
Presentation recaps the PQ Aquatic Science Collection benefits, recent enhancements through addition of deep indexing and the new full text {Note the basic product is ASFA which includes Deep Indexing. When FT content is added this becomes the PQ Aquatic Science Collection including Oceanic Abstracts] National Tawian Ocean University Mar 2012
ProQuest Aquatic Science Collection
Facilitating new research paths within the discipline ProQuest Aquatic Science Collection Cost effective, subject specific full text Search precision: innovative deep indexing of tables and figures to uncover hidden data So to recap: when the 3 components are combined we have what we call “the Collections” A&I The first component – the fundamental building block is what we’re starting to call the “Discipline-oriented databases “[ie focused topic specific A&I databases ]. These are the traditional CSA product and remain a tried and trusted and invaluable tool for comprehensive research amongst graduate students, faculty, upper undergraduates, and librarians Speeds the scan of a discipline with ever increasing coverage of journals, books, conference proceedings, govt reports, and grey literature Provides access to the world’s literature with English abstracts Allows the researcher to gain insight into a new discipline with proper orientation of the field Deep Indexing To this these traditional discipline orientated databases we added a new feature– the addition of Deep Indexing. This was added in October 2009 – at no extra charge! Deep Indexing facilitates new discovery of research represented in tables, charts, figures and graphs – allowing efficient, precise, and relevant retrieval for the end-user, leading the researcher to the right choice of full text – and we’ll have more explanation of this component later Full Text Component New full text collections – available as an add on to the Indexed databases only. Obviously appeals right across the board – but this makes a product that possibly had interests purely to serious researchers have utility also for undergraduate researchers – which means its easier for the librarian to present this as a resource that has appeal to a wider range of his clients Full Text is Currently on the ProQuest Platform, while the Deep Indexing and A&I reside on CSA. CSA will link out to the relevant full text Trusted, comprehensive discipline-oriented databases 2
ProQuest Aquatic Science Collection
Format: • Full Text,Illustrata™ Deep Indexing and Abstract and Index Media: • Electronic/Online Coverage: • 1970-current Total Sources Covered: • Over 3.2 million A&I records • Over 2.3 million indexed tables • and figures Over 350 full text journals •
Aquatic Science Collection
ASFA & Oceanic Abstracts (3.2 M records) Deep Indexing: Aquatic Science Collection (2.3 million tables & figures from 850+ journals) PQ Aquatic Science Journals (350+ full text titles) 4
Full Text within Aquatic Science Collection: 350+ Titles
Beyond A&I Full Text within Aquatic Science Collection: 350+ Titles
Aquatic Science Collection: Full Text Sources
371 Titles at March 2012 Number of documents in Aquatic Science Collection by Source Type (at March 2012) Scholarly Journals (383436) Trade Journals (183946) Magazines (73803) A view of a pdf journal in the search results On the right hand side is Other items you might like which would be similar articles – more like this
Cost Effective Full Text Content
Enhancing your full text resources we’re bringing the widest possible collections of full text possible while retaining affordable prices From leading scholarly peer reviewed journals to trade and industry publications Provides additional full text coverage to fill gaps left after primary publisher resources reach their limits Access beyond scholarly journals to discipline specific trade and industry titles
Cost Effective Full Text Content
Indexing & Abstracting
ProQuest CSA Traditional Strength: Discipline Orientated Databases Indexing & Abstracting
Value of A&I Very comprehensive literature reviews across the entire discipline – A&I has greater breadth, depth and scope International in scope and multilingual (with abstracts in English) Content in A&I databases is not under embargo Indexing standards applied to specialist content sets (such as controlled vocabulary) assist in retrieval of relevant resources Discover articles available within the library’s paper and digital resources Suitability for researchers’ workflow …. Researchers conduct very comprehensive literature reviews across the entire discipline - A&I has greater breadth, depth and scope than full text resources – whether within your library holdings, or outside in the megadatabases like google scholar etc. Google has no indexing standards, no controlled vocabulary, no specialist content sets – and we’re not sure what they’re including and what they’re leaving out Truly international in scope and multilingual (with abstracts in English) – as researchers want the information regardless of where it was published! A&I databases go beyond journals – for example they also cover grey literature eg conference proceedings, patents, government papers etc There is no embargo on A&I content, as there may be in full-text databases. Many publishers are understandably not making all their full text available to aggregators and you’re not going to subscribe to everything. If your researchers need current, timely information, can they afford a 6 – 12 month embargo? I don’t think so. A&I is the answer. Our editors are experts in their fields – ensuring that the right publications and documents are indexed and monitoring and adding controlled vocabulary ROI – having discovered an article exists the researcher needs to find it. It may already be within the library – in print or online but the researcher has discovered it thanks to A&( Suitability for researchers’ workflow …. This relates to the following slide – ever decreasing time available to researchers and faculty and more and more content to monitor and review. Therefore the researcher needs good quality abstracts to review to assess what articles he will actually invest time in reading fully
The Value in Abstracts: Limited Time to Scan a Discipline
Exponential growth of articles to read per year “Faculty report nearly twice as many readings as they did thirty years ago” A1 Tenopir,Carol A1 King,Donald W. T1 Electronic Journals and Changes in Scholarly Article Seeking and Reading Patterns JF D-Lib Magazine Often the scientist’s goal “is not to find an article to read, but rather to find, assess, and exploit a range of information by scanning portions of many articles”. T1 Strategic Reading, Ontologies, and the Future of Scientific Publishing -- Renear and Palmer 325 (5942): Science VO 2009 IS 12/8/2009NO id: 1 ED Exponential growth of articles to read per year “Faculty report nearly twice as many readings as they did thirty years ago” A1 Tenopir,Carol A1 King,Donald W. T1 Electronic Journals and Changes in Scholarly Article Seeking and Reading Patterns JF D-Lib Magazine Often the scientist’s goal "is not to find an article to read, but rather to find, assess, and exploit a range of information by scanning portions of many articles“. T1 Strategic Reading, Ontologies, and the Future of Scientific Publishing -- Renear and Palmer 325 (5942): Science VO 2009 IS 12/8/2009NO id: 1 ED This is the last slide for the A&I section – but it’s point also works for Deep Indexing
ASFA & Oceanic Abstracts
Traditional Abstract & Indexing Components ASFA & Oceanic Abstracts
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts Database
Overwhelmingly cited by a majority of aquatic science librarians as their primary database, the ASFA series is the premier reference in the field of aquatic resources. Input to ASFA is provided by a growing international network of information centers monitoring over 5,000 serial publications, books, reports, conference proceedings, translations and limited distribution literature. ASFA is a component of the Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (ASFIS), formed by four United Nations agency sponsors of ASFA and a network of international and national partners. Sources covered include over 3,000 periodicals, conference proceedings, technical reports, trade journal/newsletter items, patents, books, and press releases. Subject Coverage Dates of Coverage current. Update Frequency Monthly, with approximately 3,700 new records added. Size Over 1,501,033 records as of January 201 aquaculture limnology aquatic organisms marine biotechnology aquatic pollution marine environments brackish water environments meteorology oceanography conservation policy and legislation environmental quality wildlife management fisheries freshwater environments
ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
ASFA: A&I Subsets Detail ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts ASFA 1: Biological Sciences and Living Resources ASFA 2: Ocean Technology, Policy and Non-Living Resources ASFA 3: Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality ASFA Aquaculture Abstracts ASFA Marine Biotechnology Abstracts ProQuest Technology Research Database ProQuest Aquatic Research Database with METADEX ProQuest High Technology Research Database with Aerospace CSA Engineering Research Database Aquatic Research Database: 14
Dates of Coverage current Update Frequency Monthly, with approximately 1,209 new records added Size Over 438,589 records as of February 2011 Print Equivalent Oceanic Abstracts
Oceanic Abstracts Starting its 33rd year, Oceanic Abstracts is focused exclusively on worldwide technical literature pertaining to the marine and brackish-water environment. The database has long been recognized as a leading source of information on topics relating to oceans. The database focuses on marine biology and physical oceanography, fisheries, aquaculture, non-living resources, meteorology and geology, plus environmental, technological, and legislative topics. This database is totally comprehensive in its coverage of living and non-living resources, meteorology and geology, plus environmental, technological, and legislative topics. Subject Coverage * Biological Oceanography * Navigation and communications * Ecology * Maritime law * Physical and chemical oceanography * Desalination * Marine geology * Ships * Geophysics * Shipping * Geochemistry * Marine biology * Marine pollution * Nonliving marine resources (Note Oceanic Abstracts is not included in ASFA but is part of ProQuest Aquatic Science Collection)
Illustrata & Deep Indexing
Recent Abstract & Indexing Innovation Illustrata & Deep Indexing
Why Index Tables & Figures?
Images are included in Scientific and Technical articles only because they illustrate something fundamental about the research field work, experiment findings or conclusions Distilled essence of the research – the closest thing to the raw datasets Articles with the right kinds of objects quickly establish the relevance of the related data and findings These objects are most often invisible using traditional article-level and full-text searching Deep indexing = efficient, precise, and relevant retrieval for the end-user, leading the researcher to right choice of full text Deep Indexing provides new discovery of research represented in tables, charts, figures and graphs Counters customer objections to A&I only products – goes beyond A&I, beyond the competition such as Engineering Village and Scopus Includes Open Access Deep Indexing including international titles Provides greater return on investment for electronic journal subscriptions Not an Image Database The point of the database is not to provide images but to lead researchers to find articles which contain graphs, charts, images etc which have been indexed and categorized with similar terms to those they searched for [if the article contains an image relating to your search term it will certainly contain useful related text]
Deep Indexing: Indexing Process
Identification of tables and figures (images, charts, maps, etc.) found within a scholarly article Extraction of critical data and information within and surrounding each table or figure (including full caption) to provide the indexing Assignment of a category Deep indexing = efficient, precise, and relevant retrieval for the end-user, leading the researcher to right choice of full text Deep Indexing provides new discovery of research represented in tables, charts, figures and graphs Counters customer objections to A&I only products – goes beyond A&I, beyond the competition such as Engineering Village and Scopus Includes Open Access Deep Indexing including international titles Provides greater return on investment for electronic journal subscriptions Not an Image Database The point of the database is not to provide images but to lead researchers to find articles which contain graphs, charts, images etc which have been indexed and categorized with similar terms to those they searched for [if the article contains an image relating to your search term it will certainly contain useful related text]
Options to narrow results by: … From a regular keyword search
Search Results Options to narrow results by: Date Scholarly Journals Full text Source Type And more ... Indexed Images 5995 results – Point out the types of source materials – shown in right frame Next slide shows how we can filter by “Find related Tables and Figures” – you can see the button within the red circle on this screen. Using this feature will naturally product very focussed results because it will retrieve articles where the images relate to reverse osmosis desalination and costs (obviously the articles must contain a fair amount of content on this topic to have such relevant images( 5995 hits … From a regular keyword search
Deep Indexing Results 173 hits … more targeted hits
when we filter by indexed figures & tables results Here we have by “Find related Tables and Figures” – you can see the button within the red circle on this screen. Using this feature will naturally product very focussed results because it will retrieve articles where the images relate to reverse osmosis desalination and costs (obviously the articles must contain a fair amount of content on this topic to have such relevant images(
Deep Indexing Result – showing indexing
Options to , cite, save in My Research, Save to PPT or Tag Object descriptors, Authors, and Publication are hyperlinked for lateral searching Here we have by “Find related Tables and Figures” – you can see the button within the red circle on this screen. Using this feature will naturally product very focussed results because it will retrieve articles where the images relate to reverse osmosis desalination and costs (obviously the articles must contain a fair amount of content on this topic to have such relevant images(
Special WorkFlow Features on The New ProQuest Platform
Cross Search on new ProQuest Platform
Cross Searching! ProQuest New Platform Cross Search on new ProQuest Platform
Science & Technology: Cross Search With PQDT Scientific Dissertations
Combined Aquatic Science Collection + Dissertations Results Cross Search SciTech Collections databases with the PQDT and other ProQuest platform databases on the All New ProQuest Platform
Dissertations Results
Dissertations Pdf Result
My Research ProQuest New Platform Features Search Tools
Keyword Autocomplete Autocomplete
Smart Search Smart Search
Taking the blinders off, using the next generation of ProQuest products , the researcher will find a new discovery path by being able to include in their search “figures and tables” searching. The suggested subjects also provides a confidence that the researcher is in a “qualified” search environment so they spend less time looking for items.
Results list - Preview document
Get a quick look at a document using the preview option. Then mark those results you would like to see in full.
Narrow by classification or location
Select classification, subject, location, or other value from the narrowing options on the right bar next to the results list.
Hyperlinked Index Terms
Table Indexing Taxonomic Table Indexing
Results List Icons Show Source Type
Glance to see which are scholarly publications or books/proceedings. Scan the thumbnails directly from the results list. There is a great deal of information consolidated into each list.
Use this menu to move to Advanced Search Form
From any screen, you can navigate to the choices seen here – Search, Advanced, Figures & Tables, or About. The selection called “Advanced” offers 3 choices.
Advanced Search Menu Options
Note that Descriptors are now called Subject headings.
Command line search for the pros
This search form offers the ultimate in flexibility for experienced searchers. A list of field codes is found among the search tools links at the right.
Search for a particular citation
The Advanced Search Option includes 3 search forms: We’ll look at Look Up Citation first. The form allows you to search by title, author, publication, ISSN, ISBN, volume, issue, starting page, date, DOI or Document ID/Accession Number (although the numbers are different, both are searchable using this box). Note that Journal Name is now called Publication Title.
Thesaurus The thesaurus is accessed from the Advanced Search screen, right-side bar. We have selected this thesaurus and searched a term, with the explosion option checked. Once terms are selected, they are added to the search.
Figures & Tables Search Menu
The location field is also searchable from the Figures & Tables Search menu, as are caption, subject headings, statistical terms, taxonomic terms, figure/table type, and more.
Browse author names We are still on the form entitled “Look Up Citation.” It’s even possible, with one click on a link, to browse author names.
Browse the publications list
Search and find one or more publications to add to your search. Enter a word or phrase. If you enter more than one word, ProQuest will find titles that contain either of your words. Use the options to specify if you want to find titles that contain (the default) or begin with your term. Use the range links—such as A-C or S-U—to find only titles from specific sections of the entire list (the default All). Click Add to search after you select one or more titles. If you have selected multiple publications, ProQuest will combine them with the OR operator. When you run your search, ProQuest will look for documents that match any of your selected publication titles. After you run your search, and then click the link to re-open the layer, the number of publications—5 in this example—you previously selected is shown as: You've selected 5 publications to add. Click the view list link to display your selected publications list. Browse the alphabetically ordered publication list. Select checkboxes corresponding to one or more titles.When you’re done making selections, click Add to search.
Organise your research
My Research ProQuest New Platform Features Organise your research
Organise, Store and Share
My Research – Store, Organise and Share Search Results Organise, Store and Share
My Research – Create Folders to Store Research
My Research – Store Deep Indexed Illustrata Figures & Tables
Store Figures
My Research Annotate Saved Results
Annotate Figures
Create RSS Feeds
My Research Cite & Manage Citation Formats
My Research – Export Citations to EndNote or other Citation Manager
Live Demonstration
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Please visit our New Platform Training playlist off of the ProQuestVideo channel on Youtube for a current list of available training videos You can access our playlist directly from this link: Visit this page soon for even more training tutorials!
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