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IESBA Meeting Athens, Greece June 18-20, 2018

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1 IESBA Meeting Athens, Greece June 18-20, 2018
EIOC Reyaz Mihular, Chair IESBA Meeting Athens, Greece June 18-20, 2018

2 Objectives of this Session
Review background of EIOC Rising from the ashes in the land of mythology New process to inventory and evaluate emerging issues Initial issues identified New focus on outreach

3 Charge of the EIOC To identify developments in the external environment around the world, outside of the Board’s strategic planning process, that may have implications for the Board’s strategy and work plan, require Board action, or otherwise merit Board attention; and To advise the Board on ways to enhance the effectiveness of the Board’s outreach efforts, including with respect to the scope and focus of, and general approach to, its outreach activities.

4 EIOC members Reyaz Mihular, Chair Denise Canavan Winnie Kiryabwire Trish Mulvaney Kristian Koktvedgaard, Observer

5 New process to inventory and evaluate emerging issues
Brief overview Ethical challenges / threats Any related projects Level of monitoring Responsible party

6 Current issues in inventory
Technology – audit chain Aggressive tax planning Outsourcing – implications on “engagement team” Multi-disciplinary practices Impact of re-tendering on audit fees IFIAR inspection findings Trade restrictions Ethical barometer New audit / assurance engagements

7 Emerging Issues and OUTREACH Committee
Taking ownership of cultivating outreach opportunities among board members and TAs “Interviews” coming Coordinate with Rollout Working Group


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