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World Populations and Populations Pyramids Lab

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Presentation on theme: "World Populations and Populations Pyramids Lab"— Presentation transcript:

1 World Populations and Populations Pyramids Lab
November 10, 2016

2 Go to the website listed on the lab

3 Choose a Developing country from the list I will provide

4 Once you have drawn your charts return to the international data page

5 Afghanistan Comoros Iraq Morocco Sudan Albania Congo, Democratic Republic of Jamaica Mozambique Suriname Algeria Jordan Myanmar Swaziland American Samoa Congo, Republic of Kazakhstan Namibia Syrian Arab Republic Angola Costa Rica Kenya Nepal Tajikistan Argentina Cote d’Ivoire Kiribati Nicaragua Tanzania Armenia Cuba Korea, Democratic People's Republic of (a.k.a. North Korea) Niger Thailand Azerbaijan Djibouti Nigeria Timor-Leste Bangladesh Dominica Pakistan Togo Kosovo Belarus Dominican Republic Palau Tonga Ecuador Kyrgyz Republic Belize Panama Tunisia Egypt, Arab Republic of Lao PDR Benin Papua New Guinea Turkey Lebanon Bhutan El Salvador Paraguay Turkmenistan Bolivia Equatorial Guinea Lesotho Peru Tuvalu Eritrea Liberia Bosnia and Herzegovina Philippines Uganda Ethiopia Libya Romania Ukraine Botswana Fiji Macedonia, FYR Russian Federation Uzbekistan Brazil Gabon Madagascar Rwanda Vanuatu Bulgaria Gambia, The Malawi Samoa Venezuela Burkina Faso Georgia Malaysia São Tomé and Príncipe Vietnam Burundi Ghana Maldives Senegal West Bank and Gaza Cabo Verde Grenada Mali Serbia Yemen, Republic of Cambodia Guatemala Marshall Islands Sierra Leone Zambia Cameroon Guinea Mauritania Solomon Islands Zimbabwe Central African Republic Guinea-Bissau Mauritius Somalia Guyana Mexico South Africa Chad Haiti Micronesia, Federated States of South Sudan China (does not include Hong Kong or Taiwan) Honduras Sri Lanka Moldova India St. Lucia Mongolia Indonesia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Colombia Montenegro Iran, Islamic Republic

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