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Matt. 23:26 “Blinde Fariseër, maak eers die binnekant van die beker skoon, dan sal sy buitekant ook skoon wees.”

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2 Matt. 23:26 “Blinde Fariseër, maak eers die binnekant van die beker skoon, dan sal sy buitekant ook skoon wees.”

3 Matt. 28:19 “Gaan dan na al die nasies toe en maak die mense my dissipels: doop hulle in die Naam van die Vader en die Seun en die Heilige Gees, en leer hulle om alles te onderhou wat Ek julle beveel het. En onthou:”

4 “The wold is not impressed with a religious version of itself.”


6 “Lots of people are praying, and lots of people are repenting, but so few are changing their lifestyle.”


8 “In proportion as a church is holy, in that proportion will its testimony for Christ be powerful.” C. H. Spurgeon


10 “The world and the professing church first flirted with each other, then they fell in love, and now the wedding is upon us.” Vance Havner


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