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The Protestant Reformation

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1 The Protestant Reformation
The Renaissance and the growth of humanism gives way to widespread criticism of the Catholic Church. By 1500, many wanted a change in the church’s way of teaching and religious practices. The split between the “protesters” and the church they wanted to “reform” is known as the Protestant Reformation.

2 Who was Martin Luther? Martin Luther Martin Luther King Jr.

3 Who was Martin Luther? Born in Germany to a copper miner that wanted his son to do great things. Entered college at 17 at the University of Erfurt to train for a career in law.

4 “St. Anne, help me. I will become a monk” - Martin Luther, 1505
Gets a wake up call in his early 20’s when he’s nearly struck by lightening. On his knees he prayed to St. Anne that if God would save him he would dedicate his life’s work to the church. He kept his promise and joined a monastery .

5 Basic Beliefs of Luther…
Protested the selling of indulgences and other corrupt church practices. Salvation is by faith alone; good works are great but they alone won’t get you to heaven. Religious truth is ONLY found in the Bible and you don’t need anyone to be an intermediary between you and God. Simplified doctrine, rituals, translated the Bible. Believed in a priesthood of believers, all people were equal in the eyes of the lord.

6 Luther’s 95 Theses Luther formed strong opinions about the church.
Criticized the church and its policies in, literally, 95 items. Nailed to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany for all to see. Gave Gutenberg’s printing press a good workout churning up copies that reached all of Europe in a matter of months.

7 The Break with Rome… Pope Leo X asked him to recant his ideas; Luther refused. Excommunicated from the church in 1521. Diet of Worms convened; still wouldn’t recant. Went into a “forced” hiding; people were asked by the pope not to feed, clothe, or provide shelter to Luther. Many still protected him, especially in Germany. Lutheranism flourished!

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