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‘A triangle has three sides’

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1 ‘A triangle has three sides’
Which is meaningful? ‘God exists’ ‘A triangle has three sides’ Think, Pair, Share

2 Religious language

3 Learning Outcomes To be able to understand the problem of religious language. To be able to explain the difference between cognitive and non-cognitive language.

4 This topic has two aspects:
Verification and Falsification. Some philosophers (particularly Logical Positivists) argue that religious language is meaningless because it cannot be verified or falsified (shown to be true or false). Symbol and Analogy. Some philosophers argue that there may be meaning in religious language because it is symbolic (Paul Tillich) or because we can draw analogies between God and other things/properties (Thomas Aquinas).

5 What’s the Problem? Basically, the problem is one of meaning. If we are to believe in God or some other aspect of religion, we can only do this if we can use language to talk about it in a meaningful way. If talk of God is nonsense then the idea of God is nonsense. The debate is ages old. The religious have always claimed that the divine is difficult to express in terms of limited human language. In the Old Testament, the prophet Isaiah found himself in God’s presence and said, “woe is me, a man of unclean lips!” This connects with the idea that God is transcendent – beyond us. Yet, the opposite point has also long been recognised: if God cannot be described then there may be little scope for belief.

6 If this and all other religious language is gibberish, then…
… you can forget about religious truths.

7 Cognitive and non Cognitive
In the debate about religious language, it is important that broadly speaking, there are two types of language, cognitive and non-cognitive. Cognitive language conveys facts i.e. things that we can know or be cognisant of. Non-cognitive language, predictably, conveys information that is not factual; emotions, feelings and metaphysical claims.

8 Cognitive and Non-cognitive
Write a list of four examples of cognitive and non-cognitive language. 1) 2) 3) 4) 1) 2) 3) 4) Stretch yourself: Find out and write a definition for the terms realist and anti-realist in relation to religious language.

9 Cognitive or non Cognitive?

10 Introduction to Religious Language
How is religious language used? Stretch yourself: Why do you think is there a Philosophy of Language? 1) Truth claims 2) Express emotions and feelings 3) Performatively 4) Prescriptively Pg

11 Logical Positivists These were a group of philosophers in Vienna who first said that religious language was meaningless. Research and make a mind map about their background and views on religious language. Stretch yourself: Research David Hume’s links with the logical positivists. To be able to understand the problem of religious language. To be able to explain the difference between cognitive and non-cognitive language

12 Do you think that religious language is meaningless or not?
Give a reason for your answer in your notes. Stretch yourself: Consider how someone would argue against your opinion. Write their response. To be able to understand the problem of religious language. To be able to explain the difference between cognitive and non-cognitive language

13 Do you think that religious language is meaningless or not?
Discussion Do you think that religious language is meaningless or not?

14 Homework Find out and write a definition for the terms realist and anti-realist in relation to religious language.

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