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Effective Supervision:

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Presentation on theme: "Effective Supervision:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective Supervision:
Trainee and Supervisor Perspectives Dr Laura Emery Foundation Leadership Fellow

2 Introduction Trainee perspectives on effective supervision
Electronic survey based on CQC guidance 20% response rate from foundation doctors in NYEC Distribution mirrored that of allocation Extended to include supervisors During first couple of weeks of job, asked to put together a presentation for NYEC away day about trainee perspectives on effective supervision. I decided that the best way to do this would be to ask them! I designed a survey based on CGC effective clinical supervision and sent to all NYEC Foundation trainees Had a 20% response rate (71 trainees out of 360) Mirrored allocation across the region- 43% Hull, 30% NLAG and 27% York Data was interesting, and at away day it was suggested that I extend the survey to supervisors across the region to see if their responses differed from trainees. Present the data later in the presentation but first….

3 Go to:
Group Activity Go to: Room Number 10W9AT9D Run quiz 5 basic questions on supervision Who requires? 89% supervisors, 93% of FY1s and 96% FY2s answered correctly Is it confidential? 72% supervisors, 88% FY1s and 96% FY2s answered correctly Role of supervisor taken by? Strongly recommends same background but not essential, therefore 94% supervisors, 100% FY1s and 95% FY2s correct What does supervision involve? My role is to manage trainees Start quiz and show results via






9 My role as a supervisor is to manage trainees
CQC makes clear distinction between managerial supervision and clinical supervision Focus should be on reflection, ensuring emotional wellbeing and professional development But the trainees do not seem to value these aspects of supervision Do we educate? Or does effective supervision mean exploring and accommodating trainee needs?

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