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Agenda Context of the BR Redesign Redesign Objectives Redesign changes

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2 Agenda Context of the BR Redesign Redesign Objectives Redesign changes
Conceptual Applications Operations Conclusion

3 Context of the BR Redesign
Computer system: complex architecture & obsolete software Update mechanisms: stringent rules & predominantly data-entry driven Difficulties with adapting to new business world realities

4 BR Redesign Objectives
Simplification of the BR environment in order to facilitate updating tasks and the production of survey files Accessibility through improved access to information contained within the Register so that more staff can both consult and make updates to the data according to access privileges Timeliness of data in the survey frame so as to minimize impacts in subsequent process of survey data Integration of modules within the BR so as to increase its efficiency and provide better links with administrative and survey data Complete Coverage by developing a more flexible environment so that the survey frame can be used for all economic surveys and to improved management and monitoring of response burden

5 Canadian Revenue Agency
Inter Corporate Ownership Program Canadian Revenue Agency Data base Business Register Subject Matter Specialist Balance of Payments Survey Data Collection Centers Update Processes BN Master File Perform updates Perform updates Dissemination Business Register Database Create Survey Universe File Data Collection Survey Processes Create Survey Interface File Subject Matter Divisions Survey Frames SUF CE tasks & Customization SIF (BRD) Sampling By methodology Sample Control File Updates ICF

6 Canadian Revenue Agency
Inter Corporate Ownership Program Canadian Revenue Agency Data base Data Collection Subject Matter Specialist Collection Centers Business Register Perform updates Business Register Database Balance of Payments Survey Data BN Master File Perform updates Create Survey Universe File Create Survey Interface File Subject Matter Divisions Survey Frames SUF CE tasks & Customization SIF (BRD) Sampling By methodology Sample Control File Updates ICF

7 Canadian Revenue Agency Statistical Structure
Inter Corporate Ownership Program Canadian Revenue Agency Data base Business Register Subject Matter Specialist Business Register Database Balance of Payments Survey Data Collection Centers Enterprises were delineated in 4 distinct files Subject Matter Divisions Survey Frames BN Master File Perform updates Explicit relation between the legal and operating structures Perform updates Legal Structure BN File Statistical Structure Extract Business Data Enterprise CE1 a Create Survey Universe File Enterprise & Company Company Data Collection Integrated Structure Operating Structure Create Survey Interface File a a SUF CE tasks & Customization Establishment & location Establishment Establishment SIF (BRD) Sampling By methodology Sample Control File Updates CE3 CE2 Location Location ICF

8 Canadian Revenue Agency Large portions of updates were done manually
Inter Corporate Ownership Program Canadian Revenue Agency Data base Business Register Subject Matter Specialist Balance of Payments Survey Data Collection Centers BN Master File Perform updates Perform updates Simple Businesses Business Register Database Complex Businesses Automatic updates Manuel updates Create Survey Universe File Data Collection Create Survey Interface File Subject Matter Divisions Survey Frames Large portions of updates were done manually SUF CE tasks & Customization SIF (BRD) Sampling By methodology Sample Control File Updates ICF

9 Canadian Revenue Agency
Inter Corporate Ownership Program Canadian Revenue Agency Data base Balance of Payments Survey Data Business Register Business Register Subject Matter Specialist Subject Matter Specialist Balanc of Payments Survey Data Collection Centers Collection Centers BN Master File Perform updates Perform updates Perform updates Perform updates Perform updates Business Register Database Create Survey Universe File Data Collection Create Survey Interface File Subject Matter Divisions Survey Frames SUF Updates were performed with different applications Balance of Payments survey data were not used to update the BR CE tasks & Customization SIF (BRD) Sampling By methodology Sample Control File Updates ICF

10 Business Register Database
Inter Corporate Ownership Program Balance of Payments Survey Data Business Register Subject Matter Specialist Collection Centers Perform updates Perform updates Perform updates Perform updates Business Register Database Legal Structure Operating structure Statistical Structure Data Collection CE1 CE2 Information were stored in different and independant files

11 Canadian Revenue Agency
Inter Corporate Ownership Program Canadian Revenue Agency Data base Business Register Subject Matter Specialist Balance of Payments Survey Data Collection Centers Multiple programs and versions of the same product were produced Each questionnaire created had their own contact information BN Master File Perform updates Perform updates Business Register Database Create Multiple Versions of the Survey Universe File Create Survey Universe File Data Collection Create Survey Interface File Create Multiple Survey Interface File Subject Matter Divisions Survey Frames SUF Multiple Sample Control File Updates CE tasks & Customization SIF (BRD) Sampling By methodology Sample Control File Updates ICF

12 Changes - Applications
User friendly modules Provide interfaces common to all users Navigate through all information concerning a business Use of software in Windows environment allows easy & efficient browsing as well as other interface features Facilitate updates made directly on the database Batch processes (administrative data) Direct survey feedback Access to historical snapshots (in replacement of the ‘Time Travel’ concept) Notifications sent to frame specialists for cases which require review (e.g., incomplete update, updates on critical businesses)











23 Changes - Operations Training Plan MIS Reorganisation of the work
Customized for Collection personnel Staff of subject matter divisions BR employees MIS Detailed reports on the different operations performed by users React quickly to actions/processes that might negatively affect the database Reorganisation of the work Open the environment Implementation of Quality Evaluation program

24 Conclusions Simpler Accessible & user friendly
Concepts Procedures Systems Accessible & user friendly Integrated with other major survey systems Timely (quicker updates) Improved from a respondent communication perspective

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