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Pick up a plickers card from the front table

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Presentation on theme: "Pick up a plickers card from the front table"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pick up a plickers card from the front table
Use this time to check the progress of your notebook! Pages 3-21 Don’t forget to check the Table of Contents for any makeup work!

2 What are we learning? This class: Last class: SET UP FOR SUCCESS
Review Page 18 Intro Immune System Notes: Page 23 Reflect on our Notes Flow Chart: Page 24 Expand our Knowledge Worksheet: Page 25 USE TEXT BOOK Last class: Wrap Carbon Cycle Page 18-19 The Brain Page 20 21

3 Housekeeping Check your notebooks Did you do your home learning
Do you have work on pages 3-21? Did you do your home learning Page 18-19 Extra Credit

4 Our Goal for the day The EOC is 9 class periods away. WE ARE SMART, WE ARE CAPABLE, AND WE CAN DO THIS! SWBAT explain how fast disease spreads and how our body responds to it.

5 FLU activity Background Information:
Everyday you exchange bodily fluids with friends, family and COMPLETE STRANGERS. It can happen from something intimate (like a kiss), polite (like conversation), or meaningless (like touching the same doorknob) We will simulate this in a brief lab activity. Expectations: Move carefully Maintain water level You do not get to pick ywho you swap with FLU activity One of your classmates has the flu! I will walk around with the indicator to see how quickly this virus spread, and how many of you are now infected! If your solution turns purple/black you are ILL!

6 Page 22: Immune Activity Reflections
What preventatives do people take to stop the spread of the flu virus? What are some common flu-like/ cold symptoms you would expect to experience if you got sick? What steps might you take to get better (either from the suggestion of a doctor, or homecare)? #TBT getting ready for the EOC Why do they have to update the flu vaccine annually (every year)?

Let’s take some notes on this topic

8 Pathogens Our body is a violent place, it is constantly defending against foreign invaders. These invaders are called pathogens. Pathogens are disease causing microorganisms that try to enter the body. Examples? Common Cold - Rhinovirus Flu - Orthomyoxovirus Sore Throat - Streptoccus HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus What do you notice about these names?

9 Three Types of Pathogens
Bacteria Virus Fungal

10 Bacteria Basics Bacteria reproduce through binary fission. They can be round (cocci), rod-shaped (bacilli), or corkscrewed (spirilli). They have a thick cell wall (that humans don’t have). TREATMENT: Antibiotics kill bacteria, by attacking parts that bacteria have that humans don’t. They are outside human cells.

11 Virus Basics Contain genetic material (DNA/RNA), but replicate inside the host cell. They infect human cells. Extremely small (15 nanometers) Treatment: Usually left up to the patient’s own immune system. Vaccines are given of “live” weakened viruses, or “dead” viruses so that body can build up a defense. Also anti-viral drugs.

12 The Immune System The Immune system is our body’s line of defense against pathogens.
It has two ways of fighting against disease: Specific Nonspecific SHOW YOUR SMARTS! What can we expect about the two responses based on their names?

13 Preventative Defense Skin Mucus Tears

14 Non Specific Defense Fever Inflammation
A Barrier that does not recognize a specific invader Fever Inflammation Macrophages: Eat bacteria or viruses by surrounding them and breaking them down.

15 Specific Defense A Barrier that does recognize a specific invader. White Blood Cells are responsible for specific responses. T-Cells kill the infected cell. B cells make Antibodies Markers that attach to the pathogen and mark it for death.


17 Page 24: Flow Chart Active Passive
Copy this diagram on page 10. Write as much as you can about passive and active responses. USE VOCABULARY. DRAW PICTURES. USE BOOK. Active Passive

18 Page 25: Pathogens and Illness Wkst
Complete the readings and practice that is associated with the text book. Read and highlight the Reinforcements and answer the questions below. Use your notes and the text book to complete the Power Notes and Vocabulary Practice BUT WHERE IN THE BOOK DO I LOOK???? Find Chapter 31 Use Sections 2 and 3

19 Closing Do you have homework? WRITE IT DOWN! PUT IT IN YOUR PHONE! TAKE OWNERSHIP! Next class we will have a quiz on this material.

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