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Chapter 9, Section 1 Notes ENERGY SOURCES Fossil Fuels

2 Chapter 9 Main Idea: The energy in an energy source is transferred into other forms of energy that are used by humans. Sec. 1 Main Idea: Burning fossil fuels produces thermal energy that is converted into other useful forms of energy.

3 Energy cannot be created or destroyed according to the law of conservation of energy, but energy can be converted from one form to another. 1. These energy transformations are not 100% efficient. 2. The United States uses more energy than any other country in the world. See page 257.

4 Fossil fuels – formed from decaying remains of ancient plants and animals.
1. Burning fossil fuels converts energy from chemical bonds to heat and light. 2. Chemical energy in fossil fuels is more concentrated than in other fuels such as wood. See page 257.

5 C. Petroleum – thick, greenish-brown, highly flammable liquid formed by decayed ancient organisms. It is a mixture of many different compounds, including hydrocarbons. 1. A process called fractional distillation separates the compounds in petroleum. 2. Petroleum is used for plastics, synthetic fabrics, grease, motor oil, and other products in addition to its use as a fuel.

6 Natural Gas is a gaseous compound which is also a product of decayed ancient organisms. It is found on top of petroleum deposits. 1. It contains more energy per kilogram than petroleum or coal. 2. It burns more cleanly than other fossil fuels. 3. It provides about one-fourth of the energy consumed in the United States. It is used for cooking, heating, and manufacturing.

7 Coal – a solid fossil fuel found underground. See page 260.
1. It produces more pollution when burned than petroleum or natural gas. 2. It provides about one-fourth of the energy produced in the United States.

8 About 90 percent of coal burned in the United States is used to produce electricity.
It is estimated that the coal supply is 20 to 40 times greater than the supply of petroleum.

9 Electricity is generated when fossil fuels are burned
Electricity is generated when fossil fuels are burned. See pages 1. The burned fuel releases thermal energy. 2. The thermal energy produces high pressure steam. 3. The steam spins a turbine.

10 The spinning turbine produces an electric current.
The electric current is transmitted through power lines to consumers.

11 G. Only about 35% of the energy in fossil fuel reaches consumers since some energy is lost in every stage of the process. See page 262.

12 Fossil fuels have some undesirable side effects.
1. Fossil fuels pollute the environment and increase carbon dioxide and particulate matter in the atmosphere. See page 262.

13 Mining coal can cause health problems for miners
Mining coal can cause health problems for miners. Miners risk being killed or injured, and some suffer from lung diseases. The transportation of fossil fuels can be unpredictable, and oil spills can be very harmful to the environment

14 I. Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources, so it is important to not waste energy.

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