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Researching guide for the local area

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1 Researching guide for the local area
Policy lists Researching guide for the local area

2 Health Care under letter H
Community and Living left hand tag on web-site Health and social care – left hand tag on the site

3 Early years provisions
under letter E Every child matters Educational plan Children and Young People's Plan (CYPP) under letter N (everything you need for young persons provisions) Neighbourhood Nurseries

4 Early years provisions
Every Child a Talker is a Government programme to provide training and support to those working with young children on early language development ‘Every Child Matter’ – government policy ‘Sure Start’ early learning provision and day centres for parents, carers and children eppe _ gov strategy for Early School Provision.ppt Nursery school - early childhood education (USA); early years (UK); nursery school (UK) ages 2 to 5; preschool education (UK/USA), playgroups (UK), creche, kindergarten. Infant schools - schools that cater for pupils age 5-7.

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