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First Class Cadet Training

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1 First Class Cadet Training
The Royal Air Force (RAF) – Lecture 3 - Security

2 Security From the moment you enrol as a cadet you have a responsibility to the RAF to guard its secrets to the best of your ability Most cadets will learn something about the RAF which other countries would like to know!

3 What is security? In war both sides make use of direct and indirect attack. Direct attack is a shooting war using projectile weapons, rockets, aircraft etc. Indirect attack includes the collection of information by agents, the destruction of materials by sabotage, the lowering of morale of the fighting services and of the general public by the use of propaganda.

4 What is security? Even when not at war some extremist organisations may try to carry out violent terrorist attacks against service personnel and property. All cadets need to be aware of the possibility of terrorist activity and should be vigilant against it at all times.

5 Classified material Information can be either classified or unclassified.

6 Security at RAF stations
All stations have a security officer whose job it is to maintain a high standard of security information, material and personnel. The best rule you need to remember is ‘the need to know’ principle. Before talking ask yourself ‘does this person need to know?’

7 Questions Security on an RAF station is the sole responsibility of ?
Everyone on the station. 2) Security is the defence against? Indirect and terrorist attack. 3)The lowest grade of classified material is? Restricted

8 Questions If, whilst visiting an RAF station, you see 2 men climb over the perimeter fence and run away from the station would you: A) shout to frighten them away B) Run after them and try to catch them. C) Report it to your Sqn Cdr on your return to the squadron D) Report the incident immediately to an officer or adult

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