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O.V. Zavadskaya Head of National Accounts Department

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1 O.V. Zavadskaya Head of National Accounts Department
Agenda item 5a Implementation of the System of National Accounts in the Republic of Belarus O.V. Zavadskaya Head of National Accounts Department Workshop on Implementation of the 2008 SNA Kiev, 29 November - 2 December 2011

2 In August 1992 the Government of Belarus approved a Programme for Transition to International Standards in Accounting and Statistics. 2

3 The National Accounts of Belarus are compiled in accordance with the international statistical standard, the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA), developed by Eurostat, OECD, IMF, UN and World Bank, and approved by the UN Statistical Commission in 1993. 3

4 Belarus compiles the following annual accounts:
The goods and services account; The production account; The generation of income account; The allocation of primary income account; The secondary distribution of income account; The use of income account; The capital account. All accounts are presented by institutional sectors; the production and the generation of income accounts are also presented by economic activity. 4

5 Quarterly estimates of GDP:
since 1994: Production approach; Final use approach; since 1997: Income approach. 5

6 Short-term estimates of GDP:
since 1994: - Production approach by branches of national economy (CBNE) since 2010: - Production approach by economic activity (ISIC). 6

7 Annual Quarterly Press releases (bulletins) Publications:
- «National Accounts of Belarus»; «Quarterly estimates of the GDP of Belarus» in English and Russian. Published at the Belstat website. Quarterly Press releases (bulletins) «Quarterly estimates of GDP and regional GDP». 7

8 Website of the National Statistical Committee       of the Republic of Belarus  

9 In the framework of the Programme for the Development of State Statistics of the Republic of Belarus, , it is planned to undertake work on improvement of the national accounts and to gradually implement the 2008 SNA. 9

10 The main priority at the first stage of implementation of the 2008 SNA would be to address the issues that have impact on the level of GDP at current and constant prices, as well as on other major national accounts aggregates compiled in the country. 10

11 Thank you!

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