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College of Sciences and Health Professions 2017-18 Diversity Council Initiative Current world events and discovery of campus hate literature was impetus.

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Presentation on theme: "College of Sciences and Health Professions 2017-18 Diversity Council Initiative Current world events and discovery of campus hate literature was impetus."— Presentation transcript:

1 College of Sciences and Health Professions 2017-18 Diversity Council Initiative
Current world events and discovery of campus hate literature was impetus to shift COSHP Diversity Council focus to experiences of our international students … Is COSHP welcoming and inclusive? Step One: Informal conversations with faculty engaged with international students; chairs of COSHP departments with high international student enrollments; and with international students themselves. What we learned … Many of our international students experience discomfort and anxiety, and many lack a feeling of “belonging” on our campus; administrators and many faculty are unfamiliar with the experiences of these students. Step Two: Seek info about students’ experiences with classmates, personal networks, classrooms, student organizations, and with faculty … to identify targets and goals for subsequent intervention efforts. Developed and “field tested” draft survey items; incorporated advise from CISP and ESL directors, as well as OIE. Distributed with survey link to all COSHP international students mmmm

2 COSHP International Student Survey: Results
Sample item (rate degree of agreement): “CSU students who are culturally different from me have positive feelings about me.” Total survey invitations: 308; 30 responses (10% response rate)* Average age: 28 (18-46); 73% Female; Average # months in US: 47 (< 1 month-132)* 37% Undergraduate; 63% Graduate; Average # semesters at CSU: 6 (1-14)* Most common native countries*: India (27%), China (10%), Saudi Arabia (10%) Positive Experiences: Overall, international students find CSU to be a welcoming and positive academic environment with resources to help support their success. Areas of Concern: Lack of family/non-CSU friends (23%); Language differences/difficulty communicating (47%); Interests/values different from other students (40%); Tendency to be overlooked by other students (30%) * Based on preliminary data as of 4/10/2018 (survey released 4/6/18)

3 COSHP International Student Survey: Findings and Next Steps
Specific needs identified included: More research/internship positions while international students are at CSU More assistance with jobs and careers post-graduation (especially since most plan to stay in US) More flexibility in being able to return home to spend time with family More opportunities to socialize , volunteer locally and experience events in Cleveland Step Three: Plan intervention “targets” … Examples: Classroom strategies for enhancing interaction among students Informal social events where students can mingle with faculty and peers in relaxed atmosphere Faculty/staff awareness of their own cultural “lens”

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