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Presentation on theme: "THE ELEMENTS & PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN!"— Presentation transcript:

Or What you need to create art.

2 The Elements The tools of art

3 Line: The stuff that makes art possible
Line has two dimensions: length and width Line is in EVERYTHING There are several different types of line: Thick, thin, curvy, straight, diagonal, vertical, horizontal, etc.

4 Line can do a whole lot more than outline a shape for you
Line can do a whole lot more than outline a shape for you. A line can give your work energy and lead your viewer's eyes.

5 Space Space is what a 3-dimensional work takes up.
Space in a 2-dimensional work is just an illusion. Space can be created through line in a technique called perspective. Space comes in two types: 2-dimensional 3-dimensional

6 Space Examples! 3 dimensional Space 2 dimensional Space

7 Shape/Form: The things you make out of line
Shapes are classified as either organic or geometric, meaning that they are either shapes found in nature (organic) or not found in nature (geometric). The difference between shape and form is that shape is used in 2D work while Form is reserved for 3D. You already know what shapes are, but the way in which you use them can change the tone or perception of your work.

8 Basically the same picture
For Example… Basically the same picture

9 Color The important thing to think about is how color will affect the result. Will it add something necessary, or are you only doing it because you think you're supposed to? You can also make decisions based on color theory, or the idea that certain colors will make people feel certain things. There are tons of ways to think about color, really. Just make sure that you do think about it.

10 To color… Or not to color

11 Value Value is used to… Create emphasis Create depth Define Space
Value simply refers to the lightness or darkness of a color, as in light red vs. red red vs. dark red. Using different values of colors can help you create depth in 2-D work. Value is used to… Create emphasis Create depth Define Space Create Realism

12 Value Example VS

13 Texture The sense of touch has been long documented as one of the most important senses for humans. - Texture is created through Shading. - There are two types of texture: -Implied – Created through shading, how an object LOOKS like an object feels. -Actual – How an object actually feels. In art, TEXTURE MAKES THINGS INTERESTING!

14 Wait a minute… Where’s the picture. Oh right, Mr. Mac’s got it
Wait a minute… Where’s the picture?!?!?! Oh right, Mr. Mac’s got it. (this is where you show the picture, maestro)

15 The Principles of Design
Your verbs: How a work of art Works

16 Balance There are three kinds of balance:
Balance is one of those abstract ideas in art that can occasionally be hard to identify. Regardless, you know balance when you see it. There are three kinds of balance: Formal/Symmetrical - Seen mostly in pattern Informal/Asymmetrical – Used in everything else Radial – When everything radiates from the center

17 Balance Examples! Asymmetrical/Informal Symmetrical/Formal Radial

18 Emphasis Emphasis is the visual equivalent of bolding, underlining, or italicizing your notes—or, if you're the dramatic type, all three at once. Emphasis can clarify meaning and draw focus to the right spot. Emphasis can be given (or withheld) through shape, color, line, any of the elements really. For Example…

19 Emphasis (or lack thereof)Examples!
No Emphasis Via Shape Via Color

20 Rhythm Rhythm is the feeling of visual movement in a piece. The viewer feels like things are moving. This is not to be confused with the principle of Movement. You see rhythm the most readily in Optical illusions Rhythm is created through repetition of an element


22 Variety Variety is simply repeating the same elements with minor differences. For example: VS

23 Movement Movement is what leads your eye through a composition. Movement can be: Dynamic OR Static

24 Scale/Proportion Scale can be thought of in two ways: the individual scale or proportion within your work, as in the ratio of the size of any object to another object, or the overall scale or size of the work itself. In a given work, the size of something or its proportion in relation to everything else is key in displaying it’s importance.

25 Observe…

26 Harmony Harmony is just blending the elements of art in a pleasing way. This can be seen in every successful work of art.

27 Unity Arranging all of the elements and principles WITH the media to create a feeling of completeness. When you have unity, adding anything or taking anything away would just ruin it.

28 Last one!

29 Questions?


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