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Huy Nguyen, George Huang

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Presentation on theme: "Huy Nguyen, George Huang"— Presentation transcript:

1 Huy Nguyen, George Huang
Update Presentation Designer Lauren Saint Implementers Huy Nguyen, George Huang

2 Overview What does it do? -Help hospitals be more efficient What is it good for? -Data management / job control Who will Care? -Nurses and Doctors Other work? -Swedish Medical, Ernst & Young

3 Demo 3 Main Components Server 802.11 iPaq Serial Port RFID Reader

4 Johnson, 112, West Wing #Service Code
Changes Old GUI Job: Johnson, 112, West Wing #Service Code Scan Accept Reject

5 Architecture

6 Progress What is done? -Pretty much everything Not done? -Integrating the two separate systems

7 Does it work? WhooHoo it works!!!! Limitations: -Can’t tell if there is a connection -iPaq can’t listen “Work Around” -Send length first -Reset job if there is a broken connection -iPaq connect to server -Finite state machine for buttons -Cradle instead of CF serial

8 Evaluation -We have tested and debugged parts -stable and reliable -Need to test the whole system as a whole -Need more time to extensively test all cases -We may do some user tests at the end -Parts work as expected

9 Future Work Things left over: -Using the serial from CF Future Directions: -Fix connection problems (.Net winsock2) -Real user tests -Feasibility studies -Implement for UW med Center

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