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Achieving Your KPI’s – District 30 Minute Training

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Presentation on theme: "Achieving Your KPI’s – District 30 Minute Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Your KPI’s – District 30 Minute Training

2 Agenda Discussion Achieving Your KPIs Activity Summary Call to Action

3 Do you treat your monthly KPI targets as a goal?
Discussion “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” Bill Copeland "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin "If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else." Yogi Berra "Goals that are not written down are just wishes." Anonymous "In the long run men hit only what they aim at." Henry David Thoreau Do you treat your monthly KPI targets as a goal?

4 Variable Compensation
How is it Measured? Performance measured by 4 KPIs: MACO (65%) Total Variable Compensation Distribution (15%) Execution/POCE (10%) Initiative (10%)

5 The Process… Write Down/Identify Goals Use EBI dashboards to monitor
Create actions against the goal Achievement of Goals Achievement of Targets and KPIs Monthly Variable Comp Payout

6 Write down Your Goals Identify the Goal:
Ensure that you have received you monthly Variable Compensation volume targets from your manager. Use EBI to identify distribution targets. Understand your POCE standards. How often do you complete a POCE for a customer? Are you identifying actions on the GAP’s identified from POCE. Ensure that you are clear on the monthly initiative.

7 Create Action Plan How will you achieve the goal?
MACO – how much volume to you need to sell monthly? Weekly? Daily? By customer? Remember managing the mix can help with this achievement. Distribution – did you deliver your distribution target last month? Consider seasonality for opportunities. Monitor weekly. Identify opportunity list by customer. POCE – are you taking action on the gap’s identified from your store evaluation. Consider the common gap’s and ensure that support materials are readily available in your vehicle. Initiative – what is your plan to deliver against the initiative? Do you have a plan by customer? If volume focused, consider the urgency to drive distribution early in month to capitalize on turns and reorders.

8 MACO Clusters – Managing the Mix
What is MACO? Brands bucketed into 1 of 3 MACO Point rates based on Brand profitability & Brand positioning High End - 20 Points High End Portfolio High End Portfolio MACO 65% Total Variable Compensation Core - 15 Points Tactical/Value - 10 Points

9 Monitoring Monitor the Goal:
Put a photo in of the “New” EBI dasboard when it’s ready.. Monitor the Goal: Use EBI dashboards to see your target and identify GAP to target. Which reports would you use to monitor: MACO? Distribution? POCE? Initiative?

10 Achieving your KPI’s Activity
Instructions: Break team into 4 groups. Assign each group a KPI for the month with an actual value. Pick the targets of person from the team! What actions will you take to deliver this goal? Build a routine for monitoring the goal? Which reports should you use? Each group to present their steps for success in achieving your KPI’s.

11 Summary Goals: are the key to achieving personal and professional success help you to understand yourself and what is important to you help achieve lasting skills, relationships and change behaviors or habits Action Plans: Goals without actions are just dreams. Monitoring: Using the EBI dashboards on a daily/weekly basis will help you achieve your targets Achieve: Planning to succeed, leads to a successful plan! Maximize you Variable Compensation payout!!!

12 It is your turn to “Shoot The Puck!!!”
Development is owned by Employees, Supported by Managers, And enabled by the People Department. How are you going to apply what you learned today in trade? Show your action plans to achieve KPI’s to your manager. Discuss with a peer their approach to achieving their KPI’s. Build your routine to achieve KPI’s TODAY!

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