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Mythology: Archetypes

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Presentation on theme: "Mythology: Archetypes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mythology: Archetypes

2 What does an egg symbolize?

3 The color black? (+ & -)

4 The color green? (+ & -)

5 The color blue? (+)

6 The color white? (+ & -)

7 The color red? (+ & -)

8 The color brown?

9 A river?

10 The setting sun?

11 The sun (in general)?

12 A garden?


14 A tree?

15 A circle?

16 Water?

17 The number 4?

18 The most powerful number?

19 Yin Yang?

20 3 types/roles of women?

21 Wise old man?

22 What is one of the wise old man’s characteristics or roles/jobs?
Who is a famous “wise old man” from a story, movie, religious text, etc.?

23 The desert?


25 The serpent?


27 Hero’s Quest What are 3 steps or expectations for the young hero as he develops into a full hero?

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