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The Day Pictures Were Born

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1 The Day Pictures Were Born
Studio Project: What’s in Your Head? Guiding Question: Where does our inspiration for creating images come from?

2 Project Goals: Create an acrylic painting inspired by the brainstorming of “what’s in your head ?” Your idea/theme must represent something that is of great emotional importance to you (dreams, fears, utopia/dystopia, afterlife, etc.) You must create a narrative scene in the style of your choice (realistic, abstract, stylized) You must develop original ideas for your painting based on your imagination, rather than relying on cliched images


4 The Garden of Earthly Delights
Hieronymus Bosch The Garden of Earthly Delights

5 Heaven Hell

6 Hell (detail)

7 Utopian Flying Machines
Late 19th century France

8 Salvador Dali Old Age, Adolescence, Infancy (The Three Ages) 1940

9 Blade Runner, 1982

10 12 Monkeys, 1995

11 Idiocracy, 2006

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