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Day Measuring Segments and Angles

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1 Day Measuring Segments and Angles
Monday 2/4

2 Warm-Up 2/4/2013 Name the Intersection of Plane AED and HEG.
Name the fourth point in the plane BCH. Use always, sometimes, or never to made a true statement: Three points are ? Coplanar. Two lines ? Meet in more than one point.



5 Homework Check

6 Measuring Segments and Angles
Find KN EX: 7 13 KN = distance between K and N or the length of KN = the name of the segment between K and N Find a length or distance on a number line =

7 Congruent Segments: segments that are the same length.

8 Segment Addition Postulate: If A, B, and C are collinear and B is between A and C Then AB + BC = AC

9 Midpoint of a segment On a # line: The midpoint splits the segment in exactly half!

10 Segment Bisector: A figure that passes through the midpoint of a segment.

11 Examples: W is between V and X, VW = 3x+5, WX=2x+10 and VX = 50. Find VW.

12 2. K is the midpoint of . JK = 2x+1 and KL=3x-4. Find JL.

13 1-4 Measuring Angles Angle: is formed by two rays with the same endpoint. The rays are the SIDES of the angle. The endpoint is the VERTEX of the angle. EX NAMES: <ABC <CBA <1

14 Protractor Postulate m<COD =

15 Acute Angle Measures greater than and less than

16 Right Angle Measures exactly

17 Obtuse Angle Measures greater than and less than

18 Straight Angle Measures exactly

19 Adjacent Angles Angles that are beside each other and share a common ray as one of their sides. ______ and _______ are adjacent angles.

20 Linear Pair Are adjacent angles whose non-common sides are opposite rays. Opposite Rays: A Linear Pair is:

21 **If two angles are a linear pair, then their sum is m<ABD + m<DBC = 180

22 Congruent Angles Are angles that have the same measure.

23 Angle Addition Postulate

24 Angle Bisector Is a ray that divides an angle into two angles. ____ bisects _______, therefore_____________

25 Examples:

26 HW: Complete the worksheet

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