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Solubility: Solutes and Solvents

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1 Solubility: Solutes and Solvents
Please stop and wait before beginning the warm up! Notebook Page 34

2 Warm Up October 31 What is eutrophication?
Which nutrients can lead to eutrophication in a pond or lake? Objectives: -TSWU the difference between a solute and a solvent. -TSWU how temperature affects solubility. Essential Question: -What is the difference between a solute and a solvent? -How can you increase the solubility of a solute in a solvent?

3 Warm Up October 24 What is solubility?
Describe two ways in which temperature can affect the solubility of a solute… Objectives: -TSW review and analyze unit 1 C assessment data. -TSWU how temperature affects the solubility of a solute. Essential Question: -How does temperature affect the solubility of a solute?

4 Why is it so hard to find pure water on Earth?

5 Of all the ¾ of our planet covered in H2O, how much is salty?

6 Of all the ¾ of our planet covered in H2O, how much is salty?

7 But precipitation is always…

8 But precipitation is always freshwater.

9 Why can't our H2O stay fresh?

10 Whenever you dissolve something…

11 Whenever you dissolve something…
…the stuff that dissolves is called a SOLUTE.

12 Whenever you dissolve something…
…the stuff that dissolves is called a SOLUTE.

13 Whenever you dissolve something…
…the stuff that dissolves is called a SOLUTE.

14 Whenever you dissolve something…
…the stuff that does the dissolving is called the SOLVENT.

15 Whenever you dissolve something…
…the stuff that does the dissolving is called the SOLVENT.

16 Whenever you dissolve something…
…the stuff that does the dissolving is called the SOLVENT.

17 Identify the solvent & solute here:

18 Identify the solvent & solute here:

19 Identify the solvent & solute here:

20 After everything dissolves, we call it a SOLUTION.

21 After everything dissolves, we call it a SOLUTION.

22 Solutes dissolve in…

23 Solutes dissolve in solvents

24 Water is called the UNIVERSAL solvent.

25 WHY?? Because water dissolves almost EVERYTHING.

26 Because water dissolves almost everything, we say H2O is the UNIVERSAL SOLVENT.

27 Water is the UNIVERSAL SOLVENT because it dissolves almost anything.
Can you provide any example of water dissolving a solute?

28 How do temperature & solubility relate?

29 How do temperature & solubility relate?
As temperature increases, the amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent increases. As temperature increases, the speed at which a solute dissolves in a solvent increases too.

30 Solubility = dissolvability

31 Solubility Lab

32 Answer the following questions below the graph paper section:
Did the sugar dissolve in the H2O? Did stirring the water solvent help dissolve the solutes? Did any solvent NOT dissolve the sugar? Do you think increasing the temperature of the solvents speed up the rate at which the sugar dissolved? How can you increase the amount of solute that can dissolve in a solvent?

33 What are the steps to the scientific method?
What is an independent variable? Example from lab What is a dependant variable. Example from lab What are variables. Provide examples from today’s lab..

34 Why is pure water so hard to find on Earth?

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