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Vermont’s All-Hazards Notification System

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Presentation on theme: "Vermont’s All-Hazards Notification System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vermont’s All-Hazards Notification System
Vermont Alert VTALERT.GOV 6-per-handout: slides 2-5,9,10 Vermont’s All-Hazards Notification System LEPC 12 Meeting February 15, 2018 Presented by Glenn Herrin

2 What is VERMONT ALERT (VT-Alert)?
The mission of the Vermont Alert system is to provide public safety notifications and alerts to Vermont’s citizens through multiple means of connectivity. VT-Alert is a web-based system which provides a portal by which public safety information can be disseminated to: Alert Affected Areas within City/Town boundaries The general public Notify Specific Identified Groups Federal, State and Local governments , and select non-profits Schools & Universities First Responders

3 Broadcast & Notification Strategies:
1 Public Broadcasts Public, Non-Sensitive Information Reach as many people as possible There are 2 mission categories – I. Provide notification to the public of public safety information through public broadcasts II. Provide targeted message notifications to specific registered individuals and groups 2 Targeted Messages Can be public or private information Reach specific, known individuals

4 Everbridge can make 300,000 simultaneous phone calls
Delivery Channels Everbridge can make 300,000 simultaneous phone calls Everbridge App IPAWS CMAS (Mobile) IPAWS EAS Mobile/ Landline Phone SMS Text TWITTER FACEBOOK Messages for people who have signed up for VT-Alert. Messages for the public, signed up or not! Life Safety By default, VT-Alert escalates through various means until contact acknowledges notification.

5 Web-Based Notification Map
Members of the public choose locations of interest Alerts can be visually targeted on a map to precisely desired area

6 Municipal Use Towns and cities can adopt VT-Alert
Used for public safety messages Limited to municipal boundaries Typical notifiers: Emergency Management Directors, police/fire officers, highway foremen Incident Commanders can always send VT-Alert messages through state police or VEM watch officer

7 Everbridge System Vermont transitioned VT-Alert system to Everbridge in January 2018 Users must sign up for new accounts Notifiers (now Managers) need retraining Different website for sending notifications New system… Easier to use and manage More robust service (servers / capability) May merge other state notification capabilities in future

8 VT-Alert Contacts Randy Bronson, Jason Gosselin, or Brett LaRose
Vermont Emergency Management 45 State Drive Waterbury, Vermont (800) / (802) VTALERT.GOV //

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