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Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3

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1 Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3
Science 8th Grade Notes: Standard 18 Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3 Describe the relationship between the processes and forces that create igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Terms/Phrases to Investigate processes, forces, igneous rock, metamorphic rock, and sedimentary rock, Crosscutting Concepts Patterns, Cause and Effect, Stability and Change Success Criteria/I Can Statement By the end of this unit I will be able to say... ...I can describe the processes and forces that form igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.

2 Science 8th Grade Phenonmenon: Stnd 18
Blowtorch Rock Can we convert liquid rock into solid rock? Explain. Can we convert solid rock into liquid rock? Explain. Can we convert solid rock into a gas? Explain.

3 Processes: Forces: Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3
Science 8th Grade Phenonmenon: Stnd 18 Learning Intention: 8.ESS2.3 Describe the relationship between the processes and forces that create igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Processes: What process enables solid objects to become liquid? Explain. Forces: When a solid rock becomes liquid, what force keeps the atoms together? Explain.

4 What do these 3 items have in common?
They all have mass and take up space (volume) They are comprised of or contain solids, liquids, or gases They are all made of matter which is made of atoms Rock Insect Flower Anything made of atoms (including rocks)... ...can be a solid or a liquid or a gas or plasma. Is this true? Why or Why Not? Note: It all depends on the temperature (heat/kinetic energy).

5 Solid Liquid Gas States of Matter
Also called the four phases of matter (solid, liquid, gas, & plasma) They all consist of atoms. They all have volume, mass, and density. They all have heat energy. They all have kinetic energy (motion). Solid Liquid Gas

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