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2B: Keeping the Workplace Safe

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1 2B: Keeping the Workplace Safe
Staying Healthy on the Job

2 Keeping the workplace safe
Be sure to use appropriate personal protective equipment when necessary: Respiration and eye protection Gloves Uniforms Footwear Safety Data Sheets: first aid, PPE and spill clean up Labels on products Adequate ventilation Intent: The intent of this module is to communicate critical health and safety requirements and tips to be used throughout the workplace to protect worker health. Proper use of personal protective equipment at all times, including: Appropriate breathing protection (dust or chemical) Eye protection (safety glasses) Gloves (appropriate for chemicals being used Uniforms (designed and made for custodial work) Footwear (safety boots, chemical resistant if necessary, anti-skid soles) Understanding a Safety Data Sheet (date, first aid, cleanup, etc.) Labels (especially on secondary containers filled from dilution station Ventilation

3 Use your personal protective equipment

4 Use chemical resistant work boots with non-skid soles
Intent: Custodians should be wearing shoes/boots that protect their feet from falling objects and chemical exposure and be skid resistant to minimize falls. This is particularly important for staff when stripping floors due to the aggressive chemicals used.

5 Lifting belt

6 Know how to use your safety equipment

7 Safety data sheets Intent of slide: Emphasize familiarity with location of SDS’s and encourage them to know where they are and read them, especially the hazards, first aid, clean up and PPE requirements.

8 Make Sure You Have Adequate Ventilation
Intent: Sometimes custodians work in restricted spaces without much ventilation. If possible, always encourage them to open and close windows or use other means to ventilate areas where volatile or strong chemicals are being used.

9 Labels Intent: It is both required and simply good practice to be sure all containers are labeled properly. Always label all product containers, including those in secondary containers filled from dilution system

10 Quiz We use green products so we don’t need to use PPE: True or False?
Safety Data Sheets are important because: They are required by law They provide important safety information to know before using a chemical They tell us how to clean up a spill of the product All the above Product labels are not required on secondary containers filled from the dilution machine: True or False?

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