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Joist Explore and Report

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Presentation on theme: "Joist Explore and Report"— Presentation transcript:

1 Joist Explore and Report
nominal dimensions 8x2x0.5 t=0.054 straight corner model

2 cont.

3 Team Exercises Group 1:Team Lip
Examine the influence of changing the lip length or lip geometry on the elastic buckling (Mcr), and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report Group 2: Team Flange Examine the influence of changing the flange width or geometry on the elastic buckling (Mcr), and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report Group 3: Team Supports Examine the influence of adding springs or supports at different appropriate locations in the section on the elastic buckling (Mcr) and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report Group 4: Team Stiffener Examine the influence of adding folded stiffeners at different appropriate locations in the section on the elastic buckling (Mcr) and (if time) the DSM strength – share then report

4 Group 1: Team Lip

5 Group 2: Team Flange

6 Group 3: Team Supports

7 Group 4: Team Stiffener

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