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Come in and get your Comp book

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1 Come in and get your Comp book

2 Anson Jones was elected president of the Republic of Texas in 1844.
Section 3: The Last Years of the Republic Main Ideas Anson Jones was elected president of the Republic of Texas in 1844. During Jones’s presidency, Texans increased their calls for annexation with the United States.

3 14.3 Election of 1844 Candidates:
Edward Burleson, Houston’s second Vice President disagreed with Houston on many issues so he was supported by Lamar. Anson Jones, a doctor and veteran of San Jacinto and former Secretary of State, agreed with Houston on most issues so Houston supported him.

4 Lamar, Houston and the Election of 1844
Republic was divided in the election of 1844 and voters either supported or opposed Houston, (There was no middle ground) who supported Anson Jones Many Texans associated the problems of the Republic with Lamar so his support hurt Edward Burleson Jones wins the election

5 Issues Facing Texas During Jones’s Presidency
Faced the problem of the debt of the Republic of Texas. Houston had tried to help the economy but a cotton crop failure in 1842 and 1843 hurt the economy. During Jones presidency, as annexation came closer, Texas currency became as valuable as a U.S. dollar. Good crops and trade helped.

6 Making peace with the Indians, like Houston, Jones wanted peace with the Indians.
Debate over annexation to the U.S.

7 Debate over annexation to the U.S.
Jones kept silent about annexation at first which frustrated many Texans. Jones wanted Texas to have the option to either be annexed or to stay a republic. He needed Mexico to recognize Texas as a nation. Even though, word came that Mexico might soon recognize Texas, Texans continued to debate annexation.

8 Presidential Election of 1844
Candidate Anson Jones Supporter: Houston POSITIVE or NEGATIVE influence on campaign Edward Burleson Supporter: Lamar unpopular because many Texans associated the Republic’s problems with his presidency during second term: helped Texas avoid war with Mexico; saw Texas economy improve Winner Anson Jones

9 Presidential Election of 1844
Candidate Supporter: Houston POSITIVE or NEGATIVE influence on campaign Supporter: Lamar Anson Jones Edward Burleson during second term: helped Texas avoid war with Mexico; saw Texas economy improve unpopular because many Texans associated the Republic’s problems with his presidency Winner Anson Jones

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