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Chapter 3 Workplace Safety.

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1 Chapter 3 Workplace Safety

2 Safety and the Law Every restaurant and foodservice operation is responsible for the safety of all guests and employees. Guests have a legal right to expect safe food served in a safe environment on safe premises. Employees also have a legal right to work in a safe environment that is free of hazards. Restaurant and foodservice operators are liable, or legally responsible, for the health and safety of their guests and employees. An effective safety program helps managers provide reasonable care, or thoughtful, careful precautions. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

3 Government Regulations
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the federal agency that creates and enforces safety-related standards and regulations in the workplace. Employers must inform employees of the job safety and health protection provided by the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Every restaurant and foodservice operation must display a current copy of the OSHA poster “Job Safety and Health Protection” (or the state equivalent), where employees can easily see it when they report to work. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

4 The Safety Audit A safety program is designed to meet the specific needs of the operation. Safety program guidelines are based on existing safety practices and the insurance carrier’s requirements. The purpose of a general safety audit is to judge the level of safety in the operation. It is a safety inspection of facilities, equipment, employee practices, and management practices. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Personal protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, protects employees from potential hazards on the job. Cooks and other kitchen employees can wear long sleeves to protect their arms and an apron or chef ’s jacket for added protection from burns. Employees can wear goggles or safety glasses to protect themselves from splashing chemicals or from food flying out of grinders, choppers, or mixers. Good footwear helps prevent employees from slipping, tripping, or falling and protects their feet from falling objects or spills from hot water or food. Employees are responsible for using protective equipment properly and wearing the protective clothing that management recommends or provides. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

6 Emergency Plans The purpose of an emergency plan is to protect workers, guests, and property in the case of an emergency or disaster. For an emergency plan to work, all employees must understand it before there is an emergency. Good planning can prevent confusion, reduce fear, and minimize injury and loss during an incident. Emergency plans are specific to each operation and should be posted in highly visible areas. The main parts of a safety plan are installing fire safety equipment, developing and posting evacuation routes, keeping exit routes clear, and training and drilling employees. When violations or accidents occur, it can mean that the safety program needs improvement. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

7 Accident Investigation
An accident is an unplanned, undesirable event that can cause property damage, injuries or fatalities, time lost from work, or disruptions of work. Accident investigation involves eight steps. Record information as soon as possible after the event occurs. Include a description of the event, the date, and two signatures on accident report forms. Collect physical evidence or take pictures at the site. Interview all people involved and any witnesses. Determine as clearly as possible the sequence of events, the causes and effects, and the actions taken. Submit reports to OSHA, the insurance carrier, lawyer, and corporate headquarters, as appropriate. Keep all employees informed of procedures and hazards that arise from the situation. If they aren’t already available, post emergency phone numbers in public places. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

8 Evacuation A variety of emergencies, both man-made and natural, may require the evacuation of the workplace. An evacuation plan must identify when and how employees are to respond to different types of emergencies. To protect employees and guests if there is an emergency, a well-designed emergency plan should be ready in advance, and employees should have training and practice with it. When planning evacuation routes, make sure there are at least two routes, using separate exit doors. Make sure to train all staff on how to evacuate the building, and consider conducting practice drills to confirm that everyone knows and understands what to do in an emergency. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

9 Section 3.1 Summary Restaurant and foodservice operations are responsible for providing a safe environment and ensuring safe practices for guests and employees. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the federal agency that creates and enforces safety-related standards and regulations in the workplace. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) describe hazards of the chemicals in a restaurant or foodservice operation. General safety audits give an overview of the levels of safety in a restaurant or foodservice operation. An emergency plan protects property, workers, and guests in the case of an emergency or disaster. Protective clothing and equipment protect employees from potential hazards on the job. 3.1 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

10 Fire Hazards One-third of all accidental fires in restaurants are due to either faulty electrical wiring and equipment or improper use of equipment. All restaurant fires are classified as A, B, or C. Class A fires usually involve wood, paper, cloth, or cardboard. Class B fires usually involve flammable liquids and grease Class C fires usually involve live electrical equipment A fire safety expert can help identify the right types of fire extinguishers for each type of fire that could occur in a restaurant or foodservice establishment. Handheld portable fire extinguishers can be used for small fires; larger fires are a job for the fire department. All employees should know where extinguishers are located in an operation and what types they are. All fire extinguishers should be clearly and properly labeled. 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

11 Fire Hazards When fighting a fire, always leave a way to escape.
Automatic systems operate even when no one is in the facility. Smoke and heat detectors require a dependable source of electricity, a loud alarm, and a test button. Heat detectors detect fires where there is no smoke; flame detectors react to the movement of flames. The only fires that employees of restaurant or foodservice operations ought to tackle are small ones. If there is any doubt that you can fight a fire safely, the best response is to set off an alarm and evacuate immediately. 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

12 Preventing Burns A burn is a type of injury. In the restaurant and foodservice industry, most burns are caused by heat. Burns are classified as being first, second, or third degree. Traffic patterns are an especially important consideration in preventing burns in the kitchen and serving areas. The best way for employees to avoid burns is to respect heat and to always assume that a heat source is on and hot. When using steam equipment, check the steamer and steam table contents carefully. Warn guests if plates, food, or beverages are hot. Dishwashers should be careful when removing dishes from hot water or from a dishwashing unit that releases steam. 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

13 Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls
Most slips, trips, and falls can be prevented: Hazards should be repaired or removed. Burned-out lightbulbs should be replaced. Spills should be cleaned up immediately. Employees should remind guests of steps and raised dining areas and help those guests who may need assistance. Employees should always use a ladder or step stool to reach racks and shelves higher than shoulder level. The safest way to use a ladder is for two employees to work together. One person can hold the bottom of the ladder, and the other can climb up and pass or receive items. 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

14 Lifting and Carrying Safely
Good storage practices and special lifting techniques prevent back injuries. Store heavy loads on waist-level shelves and racks. Put lighter items on the top shelves. Mark extra-heavy loads. Before lifting anything, think out the process from beginning to end. The principles of safe lifting hold true for safe carrying. In restaurant and foodservice operations, people with heavy objects always have the right of way. Servers and busers must plan their routes so that they can keep their bodies and loads in balance while they are moving. 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

15 Preventing Cuts To avoid cuts, follow these kitchen safety tips:
Use gloves or a towel to protect hands while removing lids from glass bottles or jars. Use proper openers on bottles or jars. Use plastic or metal scoops and ladles to handle food and ice. Cover food with plastic wraps or lids instead of glass. Never cool glasses, bottles, or carafes in ice intended for food or beverages. Throw out nearby food or ice when glass is broken. Wash sharp utensils separately and do not leave them in a sink. Throw broken glass in outside garbage containers. Knives are a standard tool in the kitchen. Each type of knife has a specific use. Sharp knives are much safer than dull ones. 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

16 Section 3.2 Summary Many accidental fires in restaurants are due to either faulty electrical wiring and equipment or improper use of equipment. Fires and fire extinguishers are classified as class A (wood, paper, cloth), class B (flammable liquids, greases, gases), and class C (live electrical equipment) fires. In the event of a fire, start evacuating people immediately. When cleaning up spills on the floor, verbally warn guests and employees, block the area, post a “Caution—Wet Floor” sign, and direct people around the spill. To use a ladder safely, two employees should work together. Proper lifting steps include establishing a solid footing, aligning the body, making the lift, and setting down the load. The principles of safe lifting hold true for safe carrying. 3.2 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

17 First Aid A good first-aid program requires equipment, training, a concerned attitude for the injured, and a thorough follow-up. Common foodservice injuries include minor heat burns, chemical burns, cuts, sprains, and muscle cramps. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) restores breathing and heartbeat to injured persons who show no signs of breathing or pulse. The Heimlich maneuver removes food or other obstacles from the airway of a choking person. Do not attempt to perform CPR or the Heimlich maneuver unless you have had specific, current training and certification. 3.3 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

18 External Threats External threats, such as arson and theft, are another important workplace safety issue. Arson, the deliberate and malicious burning of property, is very difficult to stop, but good overall fire safety and building security can eliminate many arson opportunities. Keep back doors locked and alarmed at all times to prevent the occurrence of pilferage and to reduce the risk of robbery. Locking and alarming doors and windows while the facility is closed for business reduces the risk posed by intruders, robbery, and vandalism. All employees should review the operation’s security policies and procedures and actively practice the security measures. 3.3 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

19 Section 3.3 Summary First aid is medical treatment given to an injured person either for light injuries or until more complete treatment can be provided by emergency services. CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR restores breathing and heartbeat to injured persons who show no signs of breathing or pulse. The Heimlich maneuver removes food or other obstacles from the airway of a choking person. External threats to an operation include arson, theft, and food tampering. 3.3 Chapter 3 | Workplace Safety

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