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Family Coaching Because even the best of parents sometimes need a little help… All parents, even the best of them, sometimes wonder about their children’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Family Coaching Because even the best of parents sometimes need a little help… All parents, even the best of them, sometimes wonder about their children’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Family Coaching Because even the best of parents sometimes need a little help… All parents, even the best of them, sometimes wonder about their children’s upbringing. SOS Nancy offers personalized family coaching services to guide and support parents. Home-based family coaching Professional coaching Conferences for parents Training courses Dreaming about becoming Super Nanny? Inquire about our family coaching courses.

2 Motivation and student success
with Mélanie Dugas Family Coach Teach kids to work hard, succeed and excel

3 Motivation, success and self-esteem are closely interrelated
Motivation, success and self-esteem are closely interrelated. In fact, the more motivated I am, the more I succeed, and the more positive my self-image, the more motivated I become... How can I help my child?

4 The importance of parental involvement in school.
Better marks Lower dropout risk Motivation Curiosity Feeling of accomplishment It’s WORTH getting involved…

5 Thoughts on attitudes that cultivate or curb motivation.

6 Think about a boss or a teacher
Characteristics of a bad teacher or employer Characteristics of a good teacher or employer

7 Attitudes that curb motivation
Acting like a general, constantly watching, disapproving of everything Constant criticism Never satisfied, nit-picking: “Congratulations, you got 80%, but if you had studied more, you could have gotten 90!” “Come on, it’s easy.” Expressing impatience

8 Attitudes that curb motivation
Giving the impression that you want to get the job over with Going too fast or giving long explanations Being stressed out or negative: “Why are you being asked to do that, it’s way too hard!” Overprotecting, avoiding natural consequences of child’s choices Doing it for him, giving the answers, wanting success too much

9 Attitudes that cultivate motivation
Acknowledging and reinforcing accomplishments Being available, taking the time, really being there An open, warm, welcoming, calm attitude Curiosity, taking an interest in what the child is doing or learning Discussing opinions, really listening to the child’s opinion

10 Attitudes that cultivate motivation
Letting your child be responsible for what he can do on his own Believing in your child. “I KNOW you can do it!” Giving him appropriate challenges (not too easy or too hard) Helping him find his solutions or setting realistic goals Supporting him through failures, helping him accept them and move on: “This time you’ll get it!”

11 Water the flowers, not the weeds…

12 problem situations I don’t like homework!

13 See a professional if needed
Performance anxiety Take small bites Reduce the pressure Downplay mistakes Experience success Make sure goals are realistic Deep breathing Internal dialogue See a professional if needed

14 Complaining attitude Do not insist too much
“I’ll help you when you have the right attitude.” Check your own attitude Minimum and maximum amount of time Note in planner if your child refuses to work A little demonstration perhaps? Complaining attitude

15 Start getting children used to having chores early
Create a welcoming setting: music, movement, comfort, etc. Do homework right before a fun activity Break down the work Use a motivation system Experience success I don’t like homework!

16 Suggested reading

17 Books by Nancy Doyon

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