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Where Does The Money Go? The Share Funding System & Qualification.

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2 Where Does The Money Go? The Share Funding System & Qualification

3 Directing Funds to 3 Options
Rotary Revenue Pool Or other Specific Funds When someone contributes to the Foundation, they can direct funds to one of three options. Polio Plus Annual Programs Fund The Permanent Fund

4 Directing Funds To Polio
Rotary Revenue Pool When someone contributes to the Foundation, they can direct funds to one of three options. Polio Plus Annual Programs Fund The Permanent Fund Rotary Humanitarian Programs

5 Directing To Permanent Fund
Rotary Revenue Pool When someone contributes to the Foundation, they can direct funds to one of three options. Polio Plus Annual Programs Fund The Permanent Fund

6 Directing To Annual Fund
Rotary Revenue Pool After 3 Years Funds Go to SHARE System When someone contributes to the Foundation, they can direct funds to one of three options. Polio Plus Annual Programs Fund The Permanent Fund SHARE System

7 Funds available in 3 years
Contributions made to the Annual Programs Fund in become available in As part of “SHARE” TRF Humanitarian Programs Rotarian Contributions Invested 3 years When you direct your contribution/donation to the Annual Programs Fund, your money is invested for three years. Earnings from these investments are used each year to help pay the Operating Expenses of TRF.

8 Contributions made to the Annual Programs Fund in become available in As part of “SHARE” TRF Humanitarian Programs Rotarian Contributions Invested 3 years When you direct your contribution/donation to the Annual Programs Fund, your money is invested for three years. Earnings from these investments are used each year to help pay the Operating Expenses of TRF.

9 Why the “Share” System Rotarians share Rotary with the world through the Foundation Rotarians share resources with Rotarians around the world Trustees of TRF share decision-making with Districts TRF Humanitarian Programs Rotarian Contributions Invested 3 years When you direct your contribution/donation to the Annual Programs Fund, your money is invested for three years. Earnings from these investments are used each year to help pay the Operating Expenses of TRF.

10 Designated Fund (DDF) (50%) Club or District Global Projects
SHARE System SHARE System Funds World Fund (50%) District Designated Fund (DDF) (50%) DDF District Grants (25%) DDF Global Grants (25%) Club or District Global Projects 100% 5% When someone contributes to the Foundation, they can direct funds to one of three options. Polio Plus Annual Programs Fund The Permanent Fund Club or Private Donors 50% Foundation Operations Costs Club Projects 100% Match To $3000 5%

11 The District Qualification Process
To participate in Foundation Grants, Districts must be “Qualified” before they can administer any grants. To qualify, a District ensures: DG appoints a District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC) DRFC attends annual Regional Grants training DG signs a Memorandum of Understanding between the District and The Rotary Foundation agreeing to the grant protocols. Once this is completed the District is defined as“Qualified”.

12 The Club Qualification Process
Clubs must be “qualified” to apply for District or Global grants. To “qualify” a Rotary Club must: Send delegate/s to Foundation grants training seminar. Ensure Club President and PE sign TRF Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by the required date Ensure Club President and PE sign associated District 9780 MOU Appendix Note: Without completing these requirements, a club cannot receive a District Grant This rule is an absolute requirement set by RI.

13 Short Break

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