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Crash Course: Literary Symbolism

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1 Crash Course: Literary Symbolism
I can… Define a symbol List some symbols from modern culture List some symbols from literature and their usual meanings Explore what a symbol could mean and describe why it matters

2 A symbol can be an object, shape, sign, color, phenomenon, or character used to represent something else. It adds deeper meaning to the story’s plot, setting, characters, or theme. Although some are more widely accepted than others, they are often open to interpretation. What is a symbol?

3 Obvious or literal symbols (These stand for a known meaning, right?)

4 Items representing abstract feelings or concepts
One dollar, or… The flag, or… A ring…

5 Items with a specific cultural/ social connotation
Status symbols Country-specific symbols Symbols representing a group or belief Items with a specific cultural/ social connotation

6 Not all symbols are tangible items, or even visually noticeable.
This is where things get more fun 

7 Colors can mean more than one thing, depending on the situation…
Red: SALE, communism, love, anger, blood Green: jealousy, eco-friendly, money, growth Blue: serenity, water Purple: royalty White/light: knowledge, truth, innocence Black/dark: evil, ignorance, guilt

8 A character can represent an idea, emotion, or belief

9 Weather Sunrise: hope, new beginning Sunset: death, ending
Rain/river/water/snow: low point (improves from there), cleansing, new beginnings, etc. Storms: tension, impending doom, anger Heat/sun: anger, temptation, drought Weather

10 How do I KNOW for sure if something is a symbol?
Look for motifs, or words/ideas that repeat. 1 Think about why the author is using that word or idea at that particular moment and place. 2 Think of all the things that item COULD represent, and then narrow down which one makes the most sense in your context. 3 How do I KNOW for sure if something is a symbol?

11 Analyze if the symbol… Changes how we should interpret a character Ex: “Dumbledore’s tendency to wear white is no coincidence. The author wants us to view him as someone wise, knowledgeable, and trustworthy from the beginning.” Reveal the author’s beliefs or biases Ex: “JK Rowling is making an argument through the mirror of Erised that we should not only admit what we most want, but that we should also admit if that desire is actually good for us or not. The mirror represents her call for us to examine ourselves.” Foreshadows something that’s coming Ex: “In the movie Hotel Rwanda, the camera pans to show that a thunderstorm is coming the night the genocide begins. That storm and the sweltering heat bring additional tension to forewarn the audience that something’s not quite right.” What else can you think of? Now what? Who cares? What should you do with a symbol once you’ve found one?

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