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Natural expectations for…

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1 Natural expectations for…
Neutrino oscillations, masses and mixings, MNS Majorana mass and the see-saw mechanisms Hierarchical neutrinos, sequential dominance, expectations for theta13 Partially degenerate neutrinos, expectations for theta13 Conclusions Steve King 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

2 Neutrino oscillation summary (2003)
19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

3 Neutrino Mass and Mixing Patterns
19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

4 Lepton Mixing Unmeasured! This meeting solar LMA MSW atmospheric CHOOZ
19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

5 The lepton mixing matrix U a.k.a. MNS, PMNS, MNSP,…
Neutrino mass matrix (Majorana) Constructing Parametrising Three physical phases give CP violation 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

6 Types of neutrino mass (violates L) (conserves L) Majorana or Dirac?
CP conjugate of left-handed neutrino Majorana mass (violates L) Right-handed neutrinos Dirac mass from Yukawa couplings (conserves L) 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

7 The see-saw mechanisms
Type I see-saw mechanism Type II see-saw mechanism Heavy triplet 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

8 The See-Saw Matrix Dirac matrix Heavy Majorana matrix
Type II contribution (frequently ignored) Heavy Majorana matrix Diagonalise to give effective mass Light Majorana matrix 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

9 Leading order consistent with LMA MSW
Type A (zero in 11) Type B (non-zero 11) Hierarchy Large neutrinoless double beta decay Inverted hierarchy Pseudo-Dirac Degenerate 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

10 Technically need a small 23 sub-determinant:
Neutrino Hierarchy Need to understand: Technically need a small 23 sub-determinant: Why is the sub-determinant small? Why is the solar angle large? What is the natural expectation for ? 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

11 Single Right-Handed Neutrino Dominance (SFK 98,99)
If one right-handed neutrino of mass Y dominates then sub-determinant is naturally small Natural explanation of m_2<<m_3 and large atmospheric angle if e~f 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

12 Sequential dominance SFK 00
(Columns can be re-ordered without loss of generality) Same features as SRHND plus natural explanation of large solar angle if a~b-c 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

13 What about ? For small d  0 expect
However the coefficient of can be arbitrarily small, e.g. neglecting complex phases and assuming maximal atmospheric mixing as b/c-1 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

14 Blazek,SFK 00 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

15 Partially degenerate neutrinos in the type II see-saw mechanism
Antusch, SFK 03 Consider a type II see-saw contribution proportional to unit matrix [enforced by SO(3)] which governs the degenerate neutrino mass scale Type I contribution controls the neutrino mass splittings Type I part determines the neutrino mixing angles due to unit matrix and type I phase structure 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

16 For partially degenerate neutrinos the type I splittings must be very hierarchical
19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

17 Such strong hierarchies require a natural origin sequential dominance where is now smaller:
19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

18 Summary of natural expectations
Generically expect 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

19 The above predictions apply to a large class of natural models with sequential dominance
Effective two right-handed neutrino models SFK 00, Frampton, Glashow, Yanagida 02, Raidal, Strumia 03, SFK 03, Ibarra and Ross 03 GUT and Family Symmetry Models with neutrino hierarchy SU(5)xU(1) Altarelli and Feruglio 98 SO(10)xU(1) SFK, Oliveira 01, Blazek, Parry, SFK 03 SO(10)xU(2) Barbieri, Creminelli, Romanino 99, Raby 03 SO(10)xSU(3) SFK, Ross 01,03, Ross, Velasco-Sevilla 03 Sneutrino Inflation Models Ellis, Raidal, Yanagida 04 Partially degenerate models SO(3) Antusch, SFK 03,04 Graham talk 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

20 SO(3) Type II Upgrade Model
Antusch,SFK 03 Real vacuum alignment (a,b,c,e,f,h real) Red=dominant, Blue=subdominant, Black=decoupled 19/02/2019 Steve King, Oxford

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