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Food and celebrations EYFS: We will: Personal, Social, Emotional

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Presentation on theme: "Food and celebrations EYFS: We will: Personal, Social, Emotional"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and celebrations EYFS: We will: Personal, Social, Emotional
Development We will: Respect different cultures and likes and dislikes Share our ideas, thoughts & feelings confidently Choose toys & friends to play with. Ask questions to our peers Key Vocabulary: Food: recipe, ingredients, fruits, vegetables, sweet, salty, taste, like, dislike, preparation, breakfast, lunch, dinner, main, dessert. method Celebrations: religion, party, cultural outfits, festivals, decorations, acceptance, music, traditions, culture, countries Communication and Language We will: Listen to & join in with stories and songs from various cultures Answer simple who, what, where & why questions about various food and celebrations Use simple sentences and phrases to communicate our ideas and experiences Physical Development We will: Play party games Becoming more confident at using our mark making materials Use the toilet, wash our hands & dress ourselves with increasing independence. Use small tools e.g. pencils & scissors safely. How will the topic link to our community? How will social, moral, spiritual & cultural links be made?: Visit to Borough market and Hays Galleria Talk about food banks, local churches, mosques, temples, cathedrals What do children want to know? What are their interests? Reception TB: food, cupcakes, Bonfire night Nursery TB: Fireworks, parties, food Nursery SNS: Games, food, toys Reception SNS: food, recipes, learning how to say hello in different languages EYFS: Mathematical Development We will: Begin to count everything & join in with number rhymes. Use number names up to at least 10 (Nursery) and 20 (Reception) in play & when singing. Begin to use mathematical language such as a lot, more, same, less. Recognise 2D and 3D shapes & numbers in the environment. Sort out leaves by shapes, colours and sizes Begin to use everyday language related to money Literacy We will: Join in with rhyme & rhythmic activities. Write shopping, present and invitation lists and menus Read and follow recipes Write celebration cards Use a range of meaningful marks. Drawing and labelling foods and celebration items Read and write about important celebration stories (e.g. Diwali, Christmas, etc.) How can you help? Is there homework? Read with your child every night. Ask questions such as: Who is your favourite character in the story? Which picture do you like? Why? Can you show me the words/ pictures/ title? Do not forget to also ask questions such as ‘I wonder if…’, ‘What would you if..’ Explore Maths with your child such as size, numbers, time and patterns. Look at the home school book every Wednesday (N) & Friday (R ). & complete the activity WITH your child. Contribute to your child’s folder. Share and collect evidence about your child with the school. Food and celebrations What Questions will we be asking? What is your favourite food? Why? What traditions do you have in your family? What do you celebrate? And how? Do you have any special family recipes? Reminders & Resources: Donations of spare, clean socks and pants are most welcomed so we can ensure we have spare clothes available at school for the occasional accident. Donations of good quality toys & fancy dress clothes are welcomed. Please make sure your child is in the correct uniform & that all items of clothing & bags are clearly NAMED. You’re welcome to ‘stay & play’ between 9.00 & Please come & view your child’s work in the learning journey folders. Look at the folder with your child and to fill in a “My family is proud of me because…” sticker. Understanding the World We will: Think about what makes us similar & different to our friends in terms of foods we likes/dislikes Express our feelings regarding various festivals and celebrations Develop a knowledge of when celebrations occur using a calendar Look at changes in our environment. Explore the signs of Autumn. Being aware of festivals, celebrations and traditional foods in the UK Role Play & Real Life Links We will: Use our life experiences in pretend play such as ‘baking a cake’, setting up tables Play party games Listening to parents share about their culture and ask questions Talk about own experiences of celebrating different cultural festivals Expressive Arts & Design We will: Learn, sing and dance to familiar songs Learn, sing and dance to prepare for our Winter concert Exploring art from different cultures Paint with fruits and vegetables Use colours for a purpose Garden School is starting on Thursday 1st November. Please make sure your child has a pair of wellies and warm clothes.

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