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Welcome Back!!! 4th Grade 2018-2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back!!! 4th Grade 2018-2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back!!! 4th Grade

2 Rogus School A- Acceptance B- Belonging C- Community
The mission of Rogus School is to educate children in a nurturing environment.

3 About Me! B.A. in Elementary Education from DePaul University
M.A. in Reading Education from Saint Xavier University Certified Reading Specialist, Training in Gifted Education I have been in education for 17 years! While my boys were little, I tutored and was a substitute teacher. This is my 9th year teaching elementary education. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

4 My Family

5 Communication Newsletters on the website weekly Call, email, or notes

6 Specials Schedule Monday- P.E Tuesday-P.E., Technology, Art
Wednesday- P.E., Music Thursday- Music, P.E., Library Friday-P.E.

7 PBIS Expectations Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe
*Students have the opportunity to earn Eagle Tickets. At the end of each month we will be shopping in our Eagle’s Nest Store.

8 Our classroom will be following PBIS Expectations.
Behavior Management Our classroom will be following PBIS Expectations. Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe In our classroom, we also use a clip chart for individual student behavior, and a marble jar for whole class rewards.

9 Homework Homework is assigned Monday-Thursday.
Homework is due the next day unless otherwise stated. Reward system for turning homework in on time: ROGUS Letters Reading nightly- 20 minutes (or more!) Math nightly- study multiplication/division facts Monday Folders- contain graded work.

10 Curriculum ELA- We will be using our Journeys text books for ELA. This includes reading, language arts and spelling. Spelling is graded in the language arts. We generally complete a story every 2 weeks. We will work on vocabulary and focus skills for each story. Spelling tests will be the Friday of the 1st week. The grammar quiz will usually be the Thursday of week 2. Friday of week 2 will be the comprehension quiz. Typically, our tests will be taken online at Think Central. You can access their results on Think Central. Math- We will be using the GO MATH text book. The text books look a little different this year as the chapters are condensed into 2 text book volumes. We generally will complete a lesson a day. We will also be using Rocket Math daily for math fact practice. Science- We will be using STEM Scopes online for our science curriculum. The materials are found online. Social Studies- We will be discussing Westward Expansion, The Civil War, and Illinois state history. We always have a state research project near the end of the year. Handwriting- This year we have a handwriting textbook to help us with our cursive writing!

11 Subjects Assessments Formative
Reading- We will use our reading text books, short stories, small passages, and novels. Language Arts- We will work on grammar as well as writing. Spelling- There will be a list of 20 words every other week. Math- Our math curriculum is called GO MATH! We complete timed tests almost daily. We will be compiling a math binder. This will serve as a resource for us to look back on throughout the year. Science- We will be studying several different topics including the areas in physical science, earth science, and life science. Social Studies- We will be studying Westward Expansion, The Civil War and Illinois. We will also work on geography. Formative 25% of final grade- homework, classwork, projects, pretests, activities. 2. Summative 75% of final grades- quizzes, tests, unit tests, projects, skill based tests, chapter review.

12 Assessments and Grading
The grading scale has been adjusted to equalize the influence of all scores. A B C D F Since our focus is on learning, students will not receive a score lower than 50% on all formative and summative assessments. If a student scores below 50%, the grade will be recorded as 50% and a special comment will be made in PowerSchool on the actual score received. The score of 50% will be calculated into the students final grade.

13 Retake Policy ALL D or F scores on a Summative assessment will be reassessed one time. Students who score an A, B or C on a Summative assessment will have the opportunity for a retake once per quarter, per subject. For scores of A, B, or C a parent must request a reassessment in writing within two days of receiving the assessment. Once a teacher receives a reassessment request from a parent, the teacher will notify the parent when the reassessment will take place. For any reassessment, the most recent score will be recorded as per district policy.

14 Reassessment Form

15 Weapons Policy Illinois law requires school officials to expel a student who is determined to have a weapon at school or any school-sponsored activity or event that bears a reasonable relationship to school. Weapons include not only guns, but also look alikes and any object used to cause or threaten injury. The expulsion from school must be for a period of not less than one year except that the Superintendent or the School Board may modify the expulsion period on a case-by-case basis. Student threats to use a weapon, even if intended as a joke, will also be dealt with severely in order to maintain the safety of students and District 161 employees.

16 Before Leaving Today… Please sign up for a conference time. (Monday, November 19th and Tuesday, November 20th) Please sign 3 forms today and turn in Parent Handbook Tablet Agreement Acceptable Use Form Please fill out an form!


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