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I must ask him to give up smoking.

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1 I must ask him to give up smoking.
Unit 2 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking. Section C

2 1. Lead-in How can I keep healthy?

3 2. Presentation cabbage tomato potato

4 strawberry watermelon

5 wheat biscuit

6 potato chips sandwich ice cream

7 salt sugar beef

8 3. Practice Work in groups and write down the food you know.
Vegetables: __________________________________ Meat: ________________________________________ Fruits: _______________________________________ Drinks: _______________________________________ Staple: _______________________________________ rice

9 4. Jigsaw reading activity
Jigsaw game Student A Student B pair work whole passage Jigsaw reading second half of the passage first half of the passage

10 What Mothers Said to Eat
(1) Pre-reading  Guessing What does the title mean? What Mothers Said to Eat

11 Match the key phrases with their meanings.
(1) Pre-reading  Matching Match the key phrases with their meanings. be careful 诱发疾病 cause illness 例如 for example 照顾 take care of 小心 force sb. to do sth. 太多 be weak 强迫某人做某做事 too much 在某人的盘子里 be on one's plate 虚弱的

12 (2) While-reading  Skimming
a. Read the half of the passage silently and quickly and get the main idea to fill in the blanks. Task 1 Student A Kangkang’s mother told him _______________________. Maria’s mother told her ___________________________. Student B Jane’s mother told her ____________. Michael’s mother told him ____________________. not to eat too much salt or sugar not to eat too much candy or ice cream to drink milk to eat vegetables and fruit b. Share the main idea of your passage with your partner. Then help your partner finish Task 1.

13 (2) While-reading  Scanning
a. Read your passage again and answer the questions. Task 2 Student A 1. Why did Kangkang's mother tell him not to eat too much salt or sugar? 2. How did Maria's mother take care of her? 3. Why couldn't Maria eat too much candy or ice cream? Student B 4. Did Jane like drinking milk? 5. Why did Jane have to drink milk every morning? 6. Do you think if Michael likes cabbage now? Why? b. Explain your passage by answering your partner’s questions.

14 (2) While-reading  Scanning
c. Read the whole passage and check answers on your own. 1. Why did Kangkang's mother tell him not to eat too much salt or sugar? Because it might cause illness. 2. How did Maria's mother take care of her? Very well. 3. Why couldn't Maria eat too much candy or ice cream? Because her teeth were weak. 4. Did Jane like drinking milk? No, she didn't. 5. Why did Jane have to drink milk every morning? Because her mother was watching her. 6. Do you think if Michael likes cabbage now? Why? Yes. Because he thought it was delicious after tasting it.

15 (3) Post-reading  Language points
Her mother always forced her to drink it. force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事 e.g. 这老板常常强迫工人工作12小时。 This boss often ______ workers _______ for 12 hours. forces to work 2. As soon as Michael saw it, he got mad. as soon as 一…… 就…… (引导时间状语从句) e.g. 我一到北京就打电话给你。 I ________ you as soon as I get to Beijing. will call

16 find 3. His mother made him taste it. make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事
e.g. 妈妈总是让我学习英语。 My mother always makes me study English. 4. He was surprised to find that it was delicious. be surprised to do sth. 对做某事很惊讶 e.g. 她很惊讶地发现她的新自行车不见了。 She ______ ________ ______ ______ that her new bike was lost. find was surprised to

17 (3) Post-reading  Watch the video and read after it.

18 5. Production (1) Make a survey about what your classmates' mothers said to eat/not to eat. Name What your mother said to eat / not to eat Reason How you like it now

19 5. Production (2) Give a report according to your survey.
You can report like this: When David was a little boy, his mother often told him to drink milk. She said it could help him grow strong. Now David likes milk very much because it can also help him sleep better. ...

20 6. Homework Write a short passage according to your survey.

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