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Objective; understand how different presidents lead Americans.

2 Increased Responsibilities
The Founders thought that Congress would lead the nation. More often, presidents lead by responding to crises, problems, or opportunities as they occur. Each president used the same tools of power but fulfilled his leadership responsibilities differently.

3 Leadership Qualities and Skills
Understanding the Public - understanding the people is necessary to gain and hold their support Presidential proposals and policies are better received by Congress when a president is popular and on the other hand, can bring disaster on a president.

4 Leadership Qualities and Skills
Openness to New Ideas; Good leadership requires presidents to be open to new ideas. Ability to Compromise; Even the president often must give up something in order to get something in return. Political Courage; Sometimes presidents must go against public opinion when they believe the nation’s well-being is at risk.

5 Presidential Isolation
Presidents need information and good advice to make successful decisions. However, more and more presidents become isolated from information and advice for the following reasons: A. Modern presidents receive special treatment. It is easy for them to see themselves as deserving only praise and to consider their ideas above criticism. B. Staff members often feel in awe of the president. Such feelings make it difficult for staffers to present unpleasant news or voice criticism. C. Political power in Washington can be measured in access to the president. The people with the most access are the top members of the White House staff. As a result, the president may not get news and advice from a wide variety of viewpoints. D. Top staff control access to the president. This access reflects a president’s preferences, as well as staff decisions about what is best politically.

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