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Welcome to the SHRM Chapter RETAIN THIS SLIDE

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the SHRM Chapter RETAIN THIS SLIDE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the SHRM Chapter RETAIN THIS SLIDE
Welcome to the Ashford University Forbes School of Business and Technology SHRM Chapter, a virtual student Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Our Chapter is committed to sponsoring and providing educational events; promoting the exchange of work-related experience between HR professionals, students, and faculty members; and providing career support to Chapter members.

2 Presented by Guest Speakers: Hosted by SHRM Chapter Leadership:
Tips on Resume Writing Presented by Guest Speakers: Rebecca Davis, Career Services Specialist Jamie Jordan, Technical Recruiter Hosted by SHRM Chapter Leadership: Janet Horton, Student Chapter President John Hawk, Student Chapter Vice President Kayla O’Leary, Student Chapter Secretary Dr. Katie Thiry, AU FSBT SHRM Chapter Advisor Dr. Leah Westerman, AU FSBT SHRM Chapter Advisor Dr. Cathy Nguyen Sin, AU FSBT SHRM Chapter Advisor Dr. Catherine Frost, AU FSBT SHRM Chapter Advisor RETAIN THIS SLIDE Thank you for joining us today! We are excited to offer you a webinar on Resume Writing Tips. My name is Janet Horton and I am the Student Chapter President. Our Student Chapter Vice President is John Hawk and he will be introducing our presenters shortly. Kayla O’Leary, our Student Chapter Secretary, is also with us and she will be managing the chat function and collecting your questions. Zoom is a new webinar platform for us, so please bear with us as we move through the presentation. Next slide.

3 NOTICE I (participant) voluntarily acknowledge and understand that you (Ashford University) will be recording this presentation, thus my participation in the webinar. I consent to your use of my voice and participation, in whole or in part, in these recordings or other derivative materials based on them. And, I understand that you intend to use them for educational, promotional, and commercial purposes. By participating in this meeting, I am agree to the above statements. RETAIN THIS SLIDE Please note that our webinars are recorded and your participation will be a part of that recording. Webinars are available via our website within 48 hours. Next slide and John’s introduction of presenters.

4 About “Rebecca Davis” Rebecca Davis is a Career Services Specialist at Ashford University with over 10 years of experience supporting career-changers. Rebecca works with students in each step of their career development process to empower them to reach their greatest career potential through one-on-one coaching, webinars, and in person events. Prior to working in higher education she supported transitioning military service members into civilian careers and worked as an internal recruiter for a boutique executive recruiting firm. Rebecca holds a Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing from Harding University and a Masters in Organizational Management with a specialization in Human Resource Management from Ashford University. RETAIN THIS SLIDE

5 About “Jaime Jordan” Jaime Jordan is a Technical Recruiter that has recruited for at least fifty different disciplines, spanning multiple industries, in nearly a dozen countries. In her nearly 15-year career as a technical recruiter, Jaime has reviewed, analyzed, and dissected thousands of resumes of every font, style, layout, color and texture. Through extensive research, she has is the intuition sense of what types of formats, layouts and fonts were most effective, and the ability to quickly scan a resume and determine what pertinent information has been omitted. Over the past few years, Jaime has written resumes for different levels of professionals from entry level to Executive levels. Jaime holds a Certified Professional Resume Writing (CPRW) Certification. RETAIN THIS SLIDE

6 Presentation Description and Objectives
In this webinar, subject matter experts Rebecca Davis and Jaime Jordan will provide tips on Resume Writing while conducting live reviews of resumes. RETAIN THIS SLIDE

7 Speaker Contact Information Rebecca Davis: ext Ashford University LinkedIn: Jaime Jordan: LinkedIn: RETAIN THIS SLIDE John makes statement here and passes over to Kayla for next slide.

8 Join us for Part 2 of the 3-part Series!
In the next part of our 3-part series, award winning HR executive, Joey Price will be reviewing strategies on using LinkedIn and Job Searching. Joey is a recent SHRM Top 30 Under 30 award winner, one of Forbes Magazine's Kevin Kruse's Top 100 Employee Engagement Experts in the World, and frequently cited HR and Startup Thought Leader in publications such as Forbes, HR Magazine, Inc., Businessweek, AMEX Open Forum, Money Magazine, and more. We hope to see you there! RETAIN THIS SLIDE Kayla announces this webinar.

9 Join the AU FSBT SHRM Chapter on LinkedIn
Click here for AU FSBT SHRM Chapter LinkedIn group page RETAIN THIS SLIDE As a virtual organization, the Chapter uses technology to facilitate educational webinars and networking opportunities through Zoom and the Chapter’s LinkedIn group page. The Join tab links you to our group page on LinkedIn. If you’re not already a member of LinkedIn, we have tutorials on how to get started. Then, join our group page to network with other members, access resources, and engage in ongoing dialog.

10 Events Click here for AU FSBT SHRM Chapter Webinar Archive
RETAIN THIS SLIDE The “Events” tab on our chapter webpage links you to our calendar of events and the archive of previous webinars if you’re not able to join us live or if you just want to listen and view a session again. Our calendar is a living document and always updated; so check back frequently for future events. When we host a live event, the Zoom and conference bridge log in information will be in the calendar details.

11 Contact Us Click here to RETAIN THIS SLIDE

12 Thank you for joining the
SHRM Chapter RETAIN THIS SLIDE Thank you again for joining us today and we hope you found the information as valuable as we did! We look forward to seeing you in July for our LinkedIn and Job Search Webinar! Have a great day! Click here for AU FSBT SHRM Chapter Web Page

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