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Addition Strategy: Multi-digit Mental Math

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Presentation on theme: "Addition Strategy: Multi-digit Mental Math"— Presentation transcript:

1 Addition Strategy: Multi-digit Mental Math
Number Talk (Sherry Parrish)

2 Use any strategy you want to solve: 116 +118

3 Breaking Each Number into Place Value 116 +118
( ) + ( ) = 20 6 + 8 = 14 = 200 = 234

4 Making Landmark or Friendly Numbers 116 +118
+ 2 = 236 = 234 + 2 234

5 Doubles / Near Doubles 116 +118
- 1 - 3 = 230 = 234 +4 234

6 Making Tens 116 +118 (110 + 4 + 2) + (110 + 8) 110 + 110 +(2 + 8) + 4
( ) + ( ) (2 + 8) + 4 (10) + 4 = 234

7 Making Tens 116 +118 (110 + 2) + (110 + 4 + 4) 110 + 110 +(6 + 4) + 4
( ) + ( ) (6 + 4) + 4 (10) + 4 = 234

8 Compensation - 2 -+2 = 324

9 Compensation +4 -4 = 234

10 Adding Up in Chunks 116 +118 116+ (100 + 10 + 4 + 4 ) 116 + 100 = 216
116+ ( ) = 216 = 226 = 230 = 234

11 Adding Up in Chunks 116 +118 (110 + 6) + 118 (110 + 118) + 6
( ) + 6 = 234

12 Use any strategy you want to solve: 116 +118

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