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Presentation on theme: "WORDS TO KNOW."— Presentation transcript:


2 Science fiction A type of writing that involves scientific data, theories, and technology. It may be set in the future, but not always.

3 Legitimate In accordance with accepted practices, reasonable.

4 Intense Showing great concentration or determination

5 Stage directions Often written for a teleplay and are in italics. They tell the camera to fade in or out on a shot or to focus on a certain character.

6 THINK*PAIR*SHARE Science Fiction Legitimate Intense Stage Directions

7 Antagonism Hostility; unfriendliness

8 Contorted Twisted or pulled out of shape

9 Persistent Refusing to give up, continuing stubbornly.

10 Subject What the story is about.

11 THINK*PAIR*SHARE Antagonism Contorted Persistent Subject

12 Suspense Excitement or tension that readers feel as they get involved in a story and want to know what is going to happen next.

13 Teleplay A play written for television

14 Optimistic Hopeful about the future, confident.

15 Incriminate To cause to appear guilty

16 Theme The central idea or message that the author wants to share with the reader about human nature or life. ? THEME

17 THINK*PAIR*SHARE Suspense Teleplay Optimistic Incriminate

18 Idiosyncrasy A personal way of acting, an odd habit

19 Defiant Willing to stand up to opposition, bold

20 Flustered Nervous or confused

21 THINK*PAIR*SHARE Theme Idiosyncrasy Defiant Flustered

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