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A patient with a failing cardiovascular system needs a new heart valve

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1 A patient with a failing cardiovascular system needs a new heart valve
A patient with a failing cardiovascular system needs a new heart valve. Instead of using a human heart valve, doctors use a pig heart valve. Is the pig valve an example of adaptive or assistive technology? Explain your reasoning. Bellwork Pick up an article (choose which one you want) and a sheet protector from my lab table.

2 objectives Students will be able to explain how science concepts, engineering skills, and applications of technology improve the quality of life. SPI 7.T/E.3 Distinguish between the intended benefits and the unintended consequences of a new technology. SPI 7.T/E.4 Differentiate between adaptive and assistive engineered products (e.g., food, biofuels, medicines, integrated pest management). I can determine if a technology is adaptive or assisitve. I can identify the intended benefit and unintended consequence of a technology.

3 Unintended Consequences
Pokemon Go Intended Benefit Unintended Consequences

4 Intended benefits (copy onto page 38.)
The positive purpose for which a technology is designed to be used. Ex. Aspirin was created as a pain reliever Ex. Cars were created for faster transportation.

5 Unintended consequences- pg. 38 in SN
Uses or results that engineers do not purposely include in the design of products. Ex: Aspirin was later found to reduce the risk of heart attack. (Positive) Ex. Cars increase pollution. (Negative)

6 Bioengineering articles
Choose ONE article to read. Use marker to annotate as you read. As you read, draw three things you saw in your head or the "movie" you saw in your head as you read. Write a caption for each one. Coloring is not required, though encouraged. Is the bioengineering you read about assistive or adaptive? Give your argument of which you chose. What is the intended benefit of the bioengineering? Make a prediction of an unintended consequence.

7 Turn in your textbook to pg. 26. Read pages 26-28.
Intended benefits vs. Unintended consequences Adaptive and Assistive Technologies Turn in your textbook to pg. 26. Read pages

8 Exit ticket Was your technology assisitive or adaptive? Why?
What was the inteneded benefit of your technology? When you are done, place your post-it note on the door and rate your understanding.

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