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Presentation on theme: "Trading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trading

2 Day Trading Long Term (Buy and Hold) Short Selling

3 How do I maintain a good portfolio?
 Diversification: To successfully play stock market games, diversify your portfolio with different investments from a variety of industries.  Keep your eyes on the profit prize: Whether looking for short-term gains or long-term growth, profits are king.

4 Top 10 Trading Tips for Beginning Investors
Educate yourself first Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Solid, strong companies for the core Use stop-loss orders to protect your investment Learn and respect some of the many clichés about the stock market: a. The trend is your friend. b. Ride your winners and cut short your losses. c. Buy on rumor and sell on fact. d. Don’t get emotional about stocks, it clouds your judgment e. The market overreacts to all news.

5 Just a fad? If I hear my friends talking about a new product, then I listen and pass it off as a fad. However, if I hear 3 different sets of friends talking about the same product, then I know it might be really hot.

6 International Stocks China is expected to grow at 8 percent annually between 2006 and 2010. India is expected to grow at nearly 9 percent annually.

7 International stocks are more and more appealing with double digit growth rates projected for several years to come in emerging markets such as these. 

8 Nipissing Stock Challenge
Nipissing Stock Challenge

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