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Light Lesson 2 Key Concepts

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Presentation on theme: "Light Lesson 2 Key Concepts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Light Lesson 2 Key Concepts

2 1. Objects are visible to people because their eyes intercept and detect light from the objects and convey this information via nerves to the brain.

3 2. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it is transformed from one form to another. (Energy Transformation)

4 Luminous: produce own light (Sun)
3. Luminous: produce own light (Sun)

5 Non-luminous: reflect or scatter light (Moon)
4. Non-luminous: reflect or scatter light (Moon)

6 5. Energy: the capacity to do work. (Work is done when a force moves an object.)

7 Chemical potential energy: energy found in food or oil
6. Chemical potential energy: energy found in food or oil

8 Kinetic energy: Energy of motion
7. Kinetic energy: Energy of motion

9 Potential Energy: Energy of position
8. Potential Energy: Energy of position

10 Flashlight: chemical potential  electrical  light + heat
9. Flashlight: chemical potential  electrical  light + heat

11 Candle: chemical potential  Kinetic  friction  Light + heat
10 Candle: chemical potential  Kinetic  friction  Light + heat

12 11 Flashlight/Radiometer system: chemical potential  electrical  light  heat  Kinetic energy

13 Light is not stored – it is produced through energy transformations
12 Light is not stored – it is produced through energy transformations

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