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1 © 2017 by McGraw-Hill Education
© 2017 by McGraw-Hill Education.  This is proprietary material solely for authorized instructor use. Not authorized for sale or distribution in any manner.  This document may not be copied, scanned, duplicated, forwarded, distributed, or posted on a website, in whole or part. 

2 Cost Estimation Chapter 5

3 Learning Objectives LO 5-1 Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs. LO 5-2 Estimate costs using engineering estimates. LO 5-3 Estimate costs using account analysis. LO 5-4 Estimate costs using statistical analysis. LO 5-5 Interpret the results of regression output. LO 5-6 Identify potential problems with regression data. LO 5-7 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimation methods. LO 5-8 (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. LO 5-9 (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon.

4 Key question: What adds value to the firm?
Why Estimate Costs? Managers make decisions and need to compare costs and benefits among alternative actions. Key question: What adds value to the firm? Cost estimates can be an important element In helping managers make decisions.

5 Basic Cost Behavior Patterns
LO 5-1 Basic Cost Behavior Patterns LO 5-1 Understand the reasons for estimating fixed and variable costs. Costs Fixed costs Variable costs Total fixed costs do not change proportionately as activity changes. Total variable costs change proportionately as activity changes. Per unit fixed costs change inversely as activity changes. Per unit variable cost remain constant as activity changes.

6 Methods Used to Estimate Cost Behavior
LO 5-1 Methods Used to Estimate Cost Behavior Charlene, owner of Charlene’s Computer Care (3C), wants to estimate the cost of a new computer repair center. 3 Methods: Engineering estimates Account analysis Statistical methods

7 Engineering Estimates
LO 5-2 Engineering Estimates LO 5-2 Estimate costs using engineering estimates. Cost estimates are based on measuring and then pricing the work involved in a task. Identify the activities involved: – Labor – Rent – Insurance Estimate the time and cost for each activity.

8 Engineering Estimates
LO 5-2 Engineering Estimates Advantages: Details each step required to perform an operation Permits comparison of other centers with similar operations Costs for totally new activities can be estimated without prior activity data. Disadvantages: Can be quite expensive to use Based on optimal conditions

9 Account Analysis Method
LO 5-3 Account Analysis Method LO 5-3 Estimate costs using account analysis. Review each account comprising the total cost being analyzed. Identify each cost as either fixed or variable. Fixed Variable

10 Account Analysis Method
LO 5-3 Account Analysis Method 3C Cost estimation using account analysis Costs for 360 repair-hours Office rent Utilities Administration Supplies Training Other Total Per repair hour $ 3,375 310 3,386 2,276 666 613 $10,626 $1,375 100 186 2,176 316 257 $4,410 $12.25 $2,000 210 3,200 350 356 $6,216 Account Variable cost Fixed

11 Account Analysis Method
LO 5-3 Account Analysis Method 3C Cost estimation using account analysis Fixed costs + (Variable cost/unit × No. of units) = Total cost Cost at 360 repair-hours: $6,216 + ($12.25 × 360) = $10,626 Cost at 480 repair-hours: $6,216 + ($12.25 × 480) = $12,096

12 Account Analysis Method
LO 5-3 Account Analysis Method Advantages: Managers and accountants are familiar with company operations and the way costs react to changes in activity levels. Disadvantages: Managers and accountants may be biased. Decisions often have major economic consequences for managers and accountants.

13 Statistical Cost Estimation
LO 5-4 Statistical Cost Estimation LO 5-4 Estimate costs using statistical analysis. Analyze costs within a relevant range, which is the limits within which a cost estimate may be valid. Relevant range for a projection is usually between the upper and lower limits (bounds) of past activity levels for which data is available.

14 Overhead Cost Estimation for 3C
LO 5-4 Overhead Cost Estimation for 3C These data will be used to estimate costs using a statistical analysis.

15 Scattergraph Does it look like a relationship exists
between repair-hours and overhead costs?

16 LO 5-4 Scattergraph We use “eyeball judgment” to determine the intercept and slope of the line.

17 Hi-Low Cost Estimation
This is a method to estimate cost based on two cost observations, the highest and lowest activity levels. High Low Change $12,883 $ 9,054 $ 3,829 568 200 368 Month Overhead costs Repair- hours

18 Hi-Low Cost Estimation
Variable cost per unit (V) = (Cost at highest activity level – Cost at lowest activity level) (Highest activity level – Lowest activity level) Fixed cost (F) = Total cost at highest activity (Variable cost × Highest activity level) Total cost at lowest activity (Variable cost × Lowest activity level) or

19 Hi-Low Cost Estimation
Variable cost per RH (V) = ($12,883 – $9,054) 568 RH – 200 RH $3,829 368 RH $10.40 per RH Fixed costs (F) = ($12,883 – ($10.40 × 568 RH) $6,976 Fixed costs (F) = ($9,054 – ($10.40 × 200 RH) $6,974 or Rounding difference

20 Hi-Low Cost Estimation
How do we estimate manufacturing overhead with 480 repair-hours? TC = F + VX TC = $6,976 + ($10.40 × 480) = $11,968

21 Regression Analysis Regression is a statistical procedure to
LO 5-4 Regression Analysis Regression is a statistical procedure to determine the relation between variables. It helps managers determine how well the estimated regression equation describes the relations between costs and activities.

22 Uses all of the data points
Regression Analysis Hi-low method: Uses two data points Regression: Uses all of the data points

23 The Regression Equation:
LO 5-4 Regression Analysis The Regression Equation: Y = a + bX Y = Intercept + (Slope × X) For 3C: OH = Fixed costs + (V × Repair-hours)

24 Interpreting Regression
LO 5-5 Interpreting Regression LO 5-5 Interpret the results of regression output. Independent variable: – The X term, or predictor – The activity that predicts (causes) the change in costs Activities: – Repair-hours Dependent variable: – The Y term – The dependent variable – The cost to be estimated Costs: – Overhead costs

25 Interpreting Regression
LO 5-5 Interpreting Regression The computer output of 3C’s scattergraph gives the following formula: Total overhead = $6,472 + ($12.52 per RH × No. of RH) Estimate 3C’s overhead with 480 repair hours. TC = F + VX TC = $6,472 + ($12.52 × 480) = $12,482

26 Interpreting Regression
LO 5-5 Interpreting Regression Correlation coefficient (R): This measures the linear relationship between variables. The closer R is to 1.0, the closer the points are to the regression line. The closer R is to zero, the poorer the fit of the regression line. Coefficient of determination (R2): This is the square of the correlation coefficient. It is the proportion of the variation in the dependent variable (Y) explained by the independent variable(s) (X).

27 Interpreting Regression
LO 5-5 Interpreting Regression T-statistic: This is the value of the estimated coefficient, b, divided by its estimated standard error (Seb). Generally, if it is over 2, then it is considered significant. If significant, the cost is NOT totally fixed. From the data used in the 3C regression, the t-statistic is: t = b ÷ Seb = ÷ =

28 Interpreting Regression
LO 5-5 Interpreting Regression Refer to Exhibit 5.3 in the textbook. An 0.91 correlation coefficient means that a linear relationship does exists between repair hours and overhead costs. An coefficient of determination means that 82.8% of the changes in overhead costs can be explained by changes in repair-hours. Both have t-statistics that are greater than 2, so the cost is not totally fixed.

29 Multiple Regression Multiple regression:
LO 5-5 Multiple Regression Multiple regression: When more than one predictor (x) is in the model Is repair-hours the only activity that drives overhead costs at 3C? Predictors: X1: Repair-hours X2: Parts cost Equation: TC = VC(X1) + VC(X2) + FC

30 Multiple Regression Output
LO 5-5 Multiple Regression Output The adjusted R-squared is the correlation coefficient squared and adjusted for the number of independent variables used to make the estimate. The statistics supplied with the output (rounded off) are: – Correlation coefficient (R) = 0.953 – R2 = 0.908 – Adjusted R2 = 0.892

31 Multiple Regression Output
LO 5-5 Multiple Regression Output TC = F + V1X1 + V2X2 TC = $6,416 + ($8.61 × 480) + (77% × $3,500) TC = $13,244

32 Practical Implementation Problems
LO 5-6 Practical Implementation Problems LO 5-6 Identify potential problems with regression data. Effect of: – Nonlinear relations – Outliers – Spurious relations – Using data that do not fit the assumptions of regression analysis

33 Practical Implementation Problems
LO 5-6 Practical Implementation Problems Volume Cost $800 $700 $600 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 Assumed actual cost function Relevant range Regression estimate Capacity The Effect of Nonlinear Relations

34 Practical Implementation Problems
LO 5-6 Practical Implementation Problems Problem: Attempting to fit a linear model to nonlinear data Likely to occur near full-capacity Solution: Define a more limited relevant range. (Example: from 25-75% capacity) Design a nonlinear model.

35 Practical Implementation Problems
LO 5-6 Practical Implementation Problems Computed regression line True regression line “Outlier” The Effect of Outliers on the Computed Regression

36 Practical Implementation Problems
LO 5-6 Practical Implementation Problems Problem: Outliers move the regression line. Solution: Prepare a scattergraph, analyze the graph, and eliminate highly unusual observations before running the regression.

37 Practical Implementation Problems
LO 5-6 Practical Implementation Problems The Effect of Spurious Relations Problem: Using too many variables in the regression (i.e., using direct labor to explain materials costs). Although the association is very high, actually both are driven by output. Solution: Carefully analyze each variable and determine the relationship among all elements before using in the regression.

38 Practical Implementation Problems
LO 5-6 Practical Implementation Problems The Effect of Using Data That Do Not Fit the Assumptions of Regression Problem: If the assumptions in the regression are not satisfied, then the regression is not reliable. Solution: There is no clear solution. Limit time to help assure costs behavior remains constant, yet this causes the model to be weaker due to less data.

39 Learning Phenomenon Learning phenomenon is the systematic relationship
LO 5-6 Learning Phenomenon Learning phenomenon is the systematic relationship between the amount of experience in performing a task and the time required to perform it.

40 How an Estimation Method is Chosen
LO 5-7 How an Estimation Method is Chosen LO 5-7 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of alternative cost estimation methods. Advantages: Reliance on historical data is relatively inexpensive. Computational tools allow for more data to be used than for non-statistical methods. Disadvantages: Reliance on historical data may be the only readily available, cost-effective basis for estimating costs. Analysts must be alert to cost-activity changes.

41 Data Problems Missing data Outliers Allocated and discretionary costs
Inflation Mismatched time periods

42 Effect of Different Methods on Cost Estimates
LO 5-7 Effect of Different Methods on Cost Estimates Estimated manufacturing overhead with 480 repair-hours. Account analysis High-low Simple regression Multiple regression $12,096 $11,968 $12,482 $13,244 $6,216 $6,976 $6,472 $6,416 $12.25/repair-hour $10.40/repair-hour $12.52/repair-hour $8.61/repair-hour + 77% of parts cost Method Total estimated costs Estimated fixed variable

43 Appendix A: Regression Analysis Using Microsoft Excel
LO 5-8 Appendix A: Regression Analysis Using Microsoft Excel LO 5-8 (Appendix A) Use Microsoft Excel to perform a regression analysis. Many software programs exist to aid in performing regression analysis. In order to use Microsoft Excel, the Analysis Tool Pak must be installed. Data is entered and the user then selects the data and type of regression analysis to be generated. The analyst must be well schooled in regression in order to determine the meaning of the output.

44 Appendix B: Learning Curves
LO 5-9 Appendix B: Learning Curves LO 5-9 (Appendix B) Understand the mathematical relationship describing the learning phenomenon. This is the systematic relationship between the amount of experience in performing a task and the time required to perform it. First unit Second unit Fourth unit Eighth unit 100.0 hours 80.0 hours 64.0 hours 51.2 hours (assumed) 80% × 100 hours 80% × 80 hours 80% × 64 hours Unit Time to produce Calculation of time Impact: It causes the unit price to decrease as production increases. This implies a nonlinear model.

45 End of Chapter 5

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