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1 STDs

2 37 teens every hour, 891 teens every day, 26,730 teens every month
Every 97 seconds a teenager in California is infected with an STD. How many teens are infected per hour, day, month? 37 teens every hour, 891 teens every day, 26,730 teens every month 3 of every 5 Gonorrhea & Chlamydia cases in California are among 15 –24 year olds.

3 What Does STD Stand For? Sexually (related to sexual contact)
Transmitted (passed, spread) Disease (being sick, infected) “A disease or infection you can get or give someone by having sex with them”

4 The Major STDs Treatable…but repeatable Not long
Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis Trichomonas Crabs (Pubic lice) Not long Herpes HPV HIV Hepatitis B What do the diseases in green have in common? (They are all treatable but repeatable; All the diseases in green are bacterial which means they are curable; but you can get infected again and again.) What do the diseases in orange have in common? (They are all viruses—for which there is no medical cure. Some of these are life-long infections such as Herpes and HIV). Why is Trichomonas a different color than the other STDs? (It is protozoan which is curable).

5 Why Teens Have High Rates of STDs:
People often don’t have enough info about the health of their partner(s) & don’t protect themselves Unlike women over 25, a teen’s cervix has “weaker” cells that are less protective against STDs Some teens are in relationships with older partners who often control their decisions Many people have trouble getting their partners to use condoms to prevent STDs or unwanted pregnancy

6 How STDs Spread: Transfer of STD fluids:
Vaginal fluids Pre-ejaculate Semen Abnormal discharge (or pus) Blood Through oral, anal, vaginal sex STD organisms can be passed even when there are no signs or symptoms present!

7 What are the odds that a sexually active teen will get an STD this year?
1 out of 4 1 out of 2 1 out of 5

8 What are the odds that a sexually active teen will get an STD this year?
1 out of 4 sexually active teens in California will get an STD this year Which is about 325,000 teens ….. That’s enough to fill a football stadium over 3 ½ times!!!


10 Preventing NO SEX (ABSTINENCE)
Use protection if sexual active, condom every time, even if you use other types of birth control Some STDs might infect areas not covered by a condom

11 How do you know if you/partner has an STD?
Tests ONLY!!!!

12 Now the REAL reality of STDs! Hope you like what you ate today!!!!

13 Gonorrhea Common bacterial infection of the mucous membranes of penis, vagina, throat or rectum Up to 50% of women & many men have no signs or symptoms New, accurate, non-invasive (urine) tests can be used to diagnose Can be transmitted even with no symptoms

14 Gonorrhea Signs & symptoms usually appear 2-10 days after infection, if any Unusual discharge, burning during urination, abdominal pain, cramps Can pass to baby at birth which can cause blindness Treatment: antibiotics Untreated: sterility, damage to reproductive system

15 Chlamydia Bacterial infection that infects the penis, vagina, throat, urethra Can “silent” disease: most women & men have no symptoms

16 Chlamydia Symptoms: Unusual discharge, burning during urination
Occur in 1-3 weeks Treatment: antibiotics Untreated: damage to reproductive system, sterility, Can harm baby's eyes or lungs during birth

17 Syphilis Bacterial infection that can spread through the bloodstream to any organ of the body Spread from unprotected vaginal, oral, anal sex, & through kissing if there is a lesion on the mouth.

18 Syphilis Primary Stage Secondary Stage Late Syphilis
10-90 days: single sore that’s firm, round, small & painless. Appears where it entered body. Last 3-6 weeks Secondary Stage Rash, swollen joints, fever, hair loss Late Syphilis Not visible & damage to internal organs

19 Syphilis Untreated: Brain damage, heart disease, blindness, & possibly death Passes to baby during pregnancy Baby could have permanent birth defects or born dead Treatments: Antibiotic, but can't undo damage already done

20 Herpes Viral infection of genital area & sometimes around mouth
1out of 5 infected (sexual active) ~75% of people who are infected never recognize their symptoms Spread: touching an infected area unprotected vaginal, oral, anal sex Warning: Some people may be contagious even when they don't have symptoms

21 Genital Herpes Symptoms: small painful blisters on genitals & elsewhere, that break into open sore appear at any site of contact usually appear within 2-10 days Some get the sores only once, others many times Can pass virus even without an outbreak or signs Pass from mother to newborn; can become very ill Treatment: NO cure Medicines helps sores heal quicker, outbreaks less frequent & less painful helps prevent transmission Use a latex condom correctly every time (may not cover some sores)

22 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Viral infection that can causes: Genital Warts & Cervical Cancer (different strands) 50-75% of sexually active people have HPV Symptom: soft, itchy warts in & around the genitals, may appear 2 weeks to 3 months after exposure Many have no symptoms but still contagious

23 HPV Treatment: NO cure Cervical Cancer Vaccine for girls & boys
warts can be removed by creams, lasers or freezing off Even w/treatments, virus stays in body & causes future outbreaks Cervical Cancer Very high risk, Pap smear check once a year is very important!! Vaccine for girls & boys

24 Pubic Lice (Crabs) External parasite found on genitals
Symptoms: itching, visible eggs, crawling lice, small red/bluish irritations of skin Treatment: special shampoos, washing everything in very hot water & soap

25 Hepatitis B Viral Infection
Symptoms: tiredness, jaundice, dark urine, nausea & cramps Most no signs Treatment: No cure HBV vaccine can prevent Passed to baby during birth

26 Trichomoniasis Protozoal disease
Transmitted via vaginal sex but can be spread with sex toys Most common site of infection is in the vagina & male urethra Most common symptom = NONE Curable with medication

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