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Win Awards Enter the Contest ! PTA REFLECTIONS PROGRAM at QUEST ECHS

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Presentation on theme: "Win Awards Enter the Contest ! PTA REFLECTIONS PROGRAM at QUEST ECHS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Win Awards Enter the Contest ! PTA REFLECTIONS PROGRAM at QUEST ECHS
Show off your talent 6 Different Categories Be Creative Enter the Contest ! Win Awards Visual Arts - Photography - Dance Choreography - Film Production - Literature - Musical Composition

2 The PTA Reflections Program
In 5 Easy Steps

3 1. Think about the theme Dance Choreography Literature Photography
through Dance Choreography Literature Photography Music Composition Film Production Visual Arts Within Reach theme PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST

4 2. Read the before you start Participation & Category Rules
working on your project. PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST

5 3. Create your project(s)
Follow all of the rules in your category. PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST

6 4. Fill out an entry form for each entry you submit.
Entry forms are available on the Quest PTSA webpage. Use pen (not pencil) and good penmanship. PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST

7 give special attention to the bottom of the form
Signatures Title Artists Statement words long & describes how your work relates to theme. Required PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST

8 5. Turn In your project(s)
by the Tuesday NOVEMBER 7th due date There will be a Reflections collections box in Mrs. Davenport’s office near the end of October for your entry submissions. Photography or Visual Arts entry Literature entry Dance, Film, or Music entry With entry form stapled to the back of the file folder With paper protecting the photo or art work & the entry form attached to the back of your work. With the entry form, USB drive, DVD, or CD, & musical composition score inside the protective envelope. Reflections Entries PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST


10 Reflections Chairperson
For more information, contact Jayden Harper PTA REFLECTIONS CONTEST

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