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Learning gain metrics and personal tutoring: Opportunities and ethics

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1 Learning gain metrics and personal tutoring: Opportunities and ethics
Dr Camille B. Kandiko Howson Academic Head of Student Engagement @cbkandiko King’s College London

2 Enhancement and Ethics
Overview Learning gain metrics Uses of learning gain Enhancement and Ethics Sam

3 Learning Gain Pilot Projects
HEFCE/OfS funded 13 mixed method projects involving 70 institutions over three years, using: Learner analytics/Grades Self-reported surveys Standardised tests Multiple measures of a specific theme National Mixed Methodology Learning Gain Project (NMMLGP) Higher Education Learning Gain Analysis (HELGA)

4 Affective measures Transition experience Self efficacy Well-being
Disposition to learning Confidence Resilience Satisfaction

5 Behavioural measures Student engagement
Placements/ work-based learning Employability experiences Co-curricular activities Skills self-assessment VLE engagement Learner analytics

6 Cognitive measures General cognitive gain Disciplinary cognitive gain
Critical Reasoning Skills Situational judgement Research methods

7 Outcome measures What have your students gained? Back to purposes…
Grades, progression Employability skills (Affective, Behavioural, Cognitive) Other outcome measures Back to purposes… Is it critical thinking, generic graduate skills, disciplinary mastery, developing employability or something more holistic?

8 Learning Gain Findings
What is measured depends on view of purpose of higher education Learning gain encompasses affective, behavioural and cognitive aspects Balance between methodological precision and practical collection and application of data Students need support, advice and guidance to make sense of the data Engagement depends on use of data

9 Uses of learning gain data

10 Level of use Purpose of use Prospective students Informed choice on value for money Current students Provide data for reflection, awareness raising Classroom enhancement Pedagogical enhancement, data for teaching staff to tailor information to students Course management Management, pedagogical enhancement Institutional (service delivery) Enhance and tailor student services (e.g. careers services) Institutional (strategic) Programme review, inform strategy, enhancement, evaluate programmes, staff reward and recognition Cross-institutional Benchmarking, comparisons Employers Recruiting graduates, diversifying workforce Government Accountability, regulation, quality assessment, market indicators

11 Level of use Purpose of use Prospective students Informed choice on value for money Current students Provide data for reflection, awareness raising Classroom enhancement Pedagogical enhancement, data for teaching staff to tailor information to students Course management Management, pedagogical enhancement Institutional (service delivery) Enhance and tailor student services (e.g. careers services) Institutional (strategic) Programme review, inform strategy, enhancement, evaluate programmes, staff reward and recognition Cross-institutional Benchmarking, comparisons Employers Recruiting graduates, diversifying workforce Government Accountability, regulation, quality assessment, market indicators

12 Level of use Purpose of use Prospective students Informed choice on value for money Current students Provide data for reflection, awareness raising Classroom enhancement Pedagogical enhancement, data for teaching staff to tailor information to students Course management Management, pedagogical enhancement Institutional (service delivery) Enhance and tailor student services (e.g. careers services) Institutional (strategic) Programme review, inform strategy, enhancement, evaluate programmes, staff reward and recognition Cross-institutional Benchmarking, comparisons Employers Recruiting graduates, diversifying workforce Government Accountability, regulation, quality assessment, market indicators

13 Learning gain and enhancement and ethics
Sam >

14 Learning gain and enhancement
Support student learning Personalised dashboards Instruments that are reflective pedagogical tools Evaluate classroom intervention Innovative pedagogies Embedding research into teaching Enhance course experience From ‘module-mania’ to larger curriculum focus Target institutional initiatives Attainment gaps Careers services interventions

15 Enhancement and tutoring
Students need support, advice and guidance to make sense of and use data for their learning Tutors best placed for interventions focused on specific groups of students (e.g. data used to tackle attainment gaps) Opportunities for “evidence-based” individual and group tutoring sessions Tutors can feedback on student engagement

16 Triangle of Doom Data protection Data sharing Ethics
Concerns at Student, Inter-institutional, Intra-institutional, and Governmental/ Corporate levels

17 Student engagement (-)
Challenges of getting students to complete tests, surveys, etc Students making sense of and acting on data ‘Pact of disengagement’ What students ‘want’ versus ‘what is good for them’

18 Student engagement (+)
Opportunities for students to be part of: Evaluation planning Data gathering Data analysis Data sharing Actioning data Enhancement Feedback and follow-up

19 Questions? Let’s continue the conversation; @rara_tutor #raratutor Sign up for our mailing list: Sam/Alison

20 Raising Awareness Raising Aspiration Funded by:

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