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Please complete the poetry activity

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1 Please complete the poetry activity
10 minutes End

2 Why could one argue that the perspective a writer choses to write from is as important as the subject he/she chooses to write about?

3 How did reading Elie’s point of view change your understanding of his story?

4 How did Death’s point of view change your understanding of Liesel’s story?

5 What can you expect from a story told from the perspective of a child vs an adult?

6 Please take out your “Agree or Disagree” sheet from yesterday

7 Children are insensitive to the feelings of others
Agree Disagree

8 The American legal system is, and always has been, fair to all citizens
Agree Disagree

9 The South and the North (of the United States) are entirely different cultures
Agree Disagree

10 Boys and girls grow up with very different expectations
Agree Disagree

11 Children find justice and fairness to be extremely important
Yes No

12 A child’s point of view is not trustworthy.
Agree Disagree

13 There are some words not everyone should use
Agree Disagree

14 How are these questions relevant to the content we’ve already studied?
Discussion Questions Which questions are new and reach beyond the content we’ve studied so far this year?

15 Video is due to be shared to me tonight by 11:59 pm (ensure you have google drive downloaded by tomorrow, and I will show you how to share with me) If you already have it downloaded, just share with and you’re good to go Free Choice Project due by May 4th Slide for discussion due in today 3:00pm (so that I can make a master powerpoint of all slides in time for class on Wednesday) Upcoming Due Dates

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