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Tuesday, February 5, 2008 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday, February 5, 2008 11 a.m.-12 p.m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday, February 5, 2008 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Rohm and Haas Lecture: Novel Materials for Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering Speaker: Professor Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4-5 p.m Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Materials Speaker: Professor Bartosz Gryzbowski, Dept. of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Northwestern University

2 Perturbation Theory: Energies and Intensities

3 Approximate solutions
Variational Principle  normalized; H exact A matrix solution defined as a linear combination of the set of functions . Energies, E0<E1<E2<… Coefficients, c, describe the linear combination that minimizes the energies

4 Approximate solutions
2. Perturbation Theory Assume we know the solutions to H0 as a set of E and  This is a good approach if the series expansions above are converging.

5 The first order perturbation is a solved using the zero order eigenfunctions.
Note the denominator! Energies that are near affect each other most strongly. Degenerate levels require some additional care in solutions.



8 S1

9 S1 vibrational level Lifetime (ns) Toluene 85.7 ± 1.1
00 Toluene  ± 1.1 Toluene–Ne  ± 2.6 Toluene–Ar  ± 2.0 371 Toluene  ± 1.9 Toluene–Ne  ± 4.2 Toluene–Ar  ± 2.2 131/241251 Toluene  ± 3.7 Toluene–Ne contaminated Toluene–Ar  ± 0.8





14 Butyl-nitrite

15 Weak nm Strong ~220 nm



18 Transition Strengths: Time dependent perturbation theory
Derive the rate of a driven transition (absorption or emission given) by Fermi Golden Rule as dependent on the transition dipole moment. Time-dependent Schrodinger equation S refers to Schrodinger representation; wavefunctions are time dependent Where the wavefunction at t=0 is an eigenfunction of H. The time-dependent phase factor only affects the solution of time-dependent problems. For an operator, A, the expectation value is: Operator evolves in time, instead of wavefunction

19 Which properties change with time and which are constant?
Solve using chain rule and use definition of commutator to simplify

20 At t=0 When As is not a function of time, the time dependence of the expectation value of A is given by the commutator of A and H. e.g. position (x) and momentum (p) are time dependent, E is not.

21 First order solution: for H’(t) where H’(t) small compared to H0
With eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Ho denoted |n> Substituting into the Hamiltonian and projecting onto the state <m|

22 where Not useful in this form since every Cn depends on all others.

23 Assume at t=0, in the state i and the state we follow is f.

24 Perturbation turned on at t=0
Integral in time determines the transition rate from i to f if the exponential and Vfi(t) have a similar period of oscillation then the integral terms add if they have different frequencies then they will cancel and the derivative will be zero (Pf(t)=0) Time P Pi Pf 1


26 H’(t)=E-M field Expand the wavelength exponential as

27 H’(t)=E-M field

28 H’(t)=E-M field Ef<Ei Emission Ef>Ei Absorption

29 H’(t)=E-M field D  = - fi Electric dipole transitions
The second term in the expansion k·r gives magentic dipole and electric quadrupole transitions. These terms are of order 10,000 times smaller. D  = - fi


31 Next time: Fermi’s Golden Rule

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