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LIEPing to Excellence for ELs

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1 LIEPing to Excellence for ELs
2019 Title III Consortium Conference Rich Pollio, Fairfax County Public Schools Darina Walsh, Fairfax County Public Schools

2 Disclaimer The Title III Consortium Conference has been funded with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education; however, the content shared by VDOE and other presenters does not necessarily represent the policies or views of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government. 

3 Outcomes Build understanding of the components of a Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP)  Explore the Fairfax County Public School’s LIEP and ELD standards Discuss how these two mechanisms support EL instruction  Discuss how the FCPS LIEP can support schools with a low incidence of ELs

4 Hello. My name is __________________
Introductions Please introduce yourself to the group. Hello. My name is __________________

5 Welcome On a sticky note, jot down a question that you hope to have answered by today’s session. Post sticky note on the wall.

6 Provision of a LEIP School divisions must have a process for ensuring that ELs are provided a language instruction educational program (LIEP) so they may attaining English proficiency The FCPS EL Program Standards: Provide a framework to guide school teams in implementing the FCPS LIEP. Provide schools with explicit guidance to provide all ELs, including those eligible for special education or advanced academic programs, access to rigorous instruction.

7 Goals of the LIEP The goal of the LIEP is to:
Assist ELs in becoming fully proficient in English; and Meet the same challenging state content standards as all other students are expected to meet. FCPS Pathways to Proficiency Differentiated pathways to meet the same rigorous learning expectations as their English-speaking peers. Informed by ESSA and include: identifying potential ELs, identifying EL profiles (e.g. recently arrived ELs, Students with Interrupted Formal Education SIFE, and long term ELs), assessing all ELs annually to monitor English language development, and monitoring former ELs for academic success.

8 Pathways to Proficiency:
The Fairfax County Public Schools’ LIEP

9 Mapping the LIEP Title III Requirements FCPS LIEP
Identify and assess all ELs to provide meaningful access to the same educational pathways and services as all students. Pathways to Proficiency Provide full, equal access to the same curriculum and educational opportunities as all students and assist students in attaining high levels of academic achievement. Content, Language, & Literacy

10 Mapping the LIEP Language services must be provided to develop English proficiency in the four domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. English Language Development Access to support services and Multi Tiered System of Support (MTSS) Systems of Support

11 Connect with the LIEP Round 1: Choose a Card
Read and consider the concepts Find someone with a different card topic Introduce yourself and share the concepts/ideas on the cards Trade cards Round 2 & 3: Find another person with a different card

12 Pathways to Proficiency

13 Identifying Potential ELs
In Virginia, the Home Language Survey (HLS) is used to identify potential ELs. Three standard questions are used in all divisions in Virginia. Must be used verbatim by the division to identify potential ELs. Students should not be selectively identified based on ethnicity, name, appearance or family background.

14 Identification, Screening & Placement
School divisions must demonstrate that the identification, screening, and placement process is in place for all incoming students. FCPS LIEP 1.1 Identify & assess all potential ELs to determine English language proficiency

15 Profiles Inform Intensity of Services
Recently Arrived ELs Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) Long-Term ELs ELs with Disabilities ELs with Advanced Academic Potential

16 Serving Dually Identified Students
Ensure that appropriate programs and services are available if ELs are identified with disabilities. FCPS LIEP 1.6 Appropriately identify, locate, and evaluate English learners with suspected disabilities for special education and related services. FCPS LIEP 1.7 Provide English learners with both the ESOL services and special education services to which they are entitled.

17 What are you noticing that will support school and division staff in implementing the FCPS LIEP?

18 Planning for Instruction
Content, Language, and Literacy and English Language Development (ELD)

19 Amplifying Instruction for ELs
Differentiated research-based design contains three core elements: Content, Language & Literacy; English Language Development; and Systems of Support. Simultaneously develop English language proficiency and content understandings. Content, Language, and Literacy English Language Development (ELD) Systems of Support

20 Content, Language, & Literacy
There must be a process for ensuring that ELs are provided meaningful access to the same curriculum as all students. FCPS LIEP 2.3 Provide sheltered instruction in grade level/content classroom to ensure ELs’ access to rigorous content standards regardless of ELP level.

21 Four Essential Practices for Sheltering Instruction
Build background knowledge and connect to funds of knowledge Integrate academic language development and content instruction Provide comprehensible input Design and use varied and purposeful assessment to monitor language development and content learning

22 ELD Standards School divisions must have a process for ensuring that division personnel are implementing the English Language Development (ELD) standards in classrooms with ELs. FCPS LIEP 2.1 Share collective responsibility for developing discipline-specific content knowledge and academic language proficiency.

23 WIDA ELD Standards

24 Making the Distinction between Language & Content
ELD Standards Standards of Learning Academic language development Academic achievement Language-based Content-based Reflective of the varying stages of second language acquisition Reflective of conceptual development Representative of social and academic language contexts Representative of the school’s academic curriculum ELD standards reflect the language expectations in the content standards Content standards drive the academic language expectations of the ELD standards so that content learning and language development occur in tandem

25 Content, Language, and Literacy English Language Development (ELD)
LIEP Standard 2 Content, Language, and Literacy LIEP Standard 3 English Language Development (ELD) How might the classroom teacher use this information to plan for instruction? How might the ESOL teacher use this information to plan for ELD instruction? 2.2 Proactively plan for student learning by using EL data and formative assessments to make the instructional match for English learners’ academic and linguistic needs. 3.1 Set ELD goals and monitor students’ progress in meeting those goals.

26 Connections? Questions?

27 Systems of Support

28 Systems of Support Connections to your Context Welcoming Environment
Parent, Family & Community Engagement Specialized Academic Intervention & Social Emotional Supports Professional Development Take a moment to read one of the sections - what strategies do you have in place to meet ELs needs in each of these dimensions?

29 Consider & Reflect From our time together, what resonates with you?
How might the resources and/or strategies connect with your school or division? What might be a possible next step with your work in developing and/or implementing a LIEP?

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