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Unit 8 MI activity: Display the slide as candidates enter the classroom. You may wish to play a calming selection of music to reduce anxiety as the stressful.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8 MI activity: Display the slide as candidates enter the classroom. You may wish to play a calming selection of music to reduce anxiety as the stressful."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8 MI activity: Display the slide as candidates enter the classroom. You may wish to play a calming selection of music to reduce anxiety as the stressful class begins for the candidates. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

2 Unit 7 Review What resources have you used in preparing your 20-minute? What’s your main question about SBDI duties? MI activity: Although many of the candidates will be focused on their presentations, force each of them to answer both of the questions. Sharing their emotional state will help each of them to realize they’re not alone. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

3 Helping Each Other Succeed Today
Be an active listener for every one of your colleagues throughout the entire day You’ve all worked hard - each of you deserves an attentive, involved audience! MI activity: Use the slide to prepare the class for the presentations. Remind them how valuable their feedback will be to the presenters. Pass out copies of Presentation Observation Form #2 for the class’s presentations. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

4 The Really Important Thing Today
“The most important thing in life is not to capitalize on your successes; any fool can do that. The really important thing is to profit from your mistakes.” - William Bolitho MI activity: Ask a volunteer to read the quote aloud to help set the tone for the day. Remind candidates that no one is a perfect presenter and that it’s not unlikely that they’ll make a mistake or two during their 20 minute presentations, and that that’s OK. The purpose of today’s 20 minute presentations is to practice and to learn. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

5 Candidate Presentation Guidelines
See if you can help the next scheduled presenter get ready Take short breaks between presentations, but don’t disappear! Use the “Presentation Observation Form #2” for each candidate MI activity: Go over the process for the day’s presentations. Because it’s a long day, it’s important for candidates to help each other and to avoid “wandering off” for a phone call or errand. Decide together when’s the best time to eat lunch. Remind candidates that they must complete the evaluation form for each of their colleagues’ presentations. Before proceeding with the first presentation, ask candidates if they have any questions or concerns. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

6 CANDIDATE ONE DESTINY There is a destiny that makes us sisters and brothers; None goes his way alone. All that we send into the lives of others Comes back into our own. - Edwin Markham MI activity: Use this and the following slides as inspirational transitions while the next presenter is setting up. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

7 CANDIDATE TWO Praise loudly. Blame softly.
- Catherine the Great ( ) MI activity: Use the slide as inspirational transition while the next presenter is setting up. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

8 CANDIDATE THREE Children need love, especially when they do not deserve it. - Harold Hulbert MI activity: Use the slide as inspirational transition while the next presenter is setting up. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

9 CANDIDATE FOUR Life is no brief candle to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. - George Bernard Shaw MI activity: Use the slide as inspirational transition while the next presenter is setting up. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

10 CANDIDATE FIVE What lies behind us and what lies in front of us are but tiny matters as compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson MI activity: Use the slide as inspirational transition while the next presenter is setting up. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

11 CANDIDATE SIX Love must be learned, and learned again and again; there is no end to it. Hate needs no instruction, but waits only to be provoked. - Katherine Ann Porter MI activity: Use the slide as inspirational transition while the next presenter is setting up. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

12 Unit 9 Assignment Finalize your 20 minute presentation
If you will present next time, call three people from class for advice You will evaluated on how well you implement IOCCE and how well you involve the audience We will be available after class today to discuss any questions you have about your presentation – our job and our passion is to help you succeed! MI activity: Explain the Unit 9 assignment, which is to finalize the candidates’ 20 minute presentations. (Note: Determine the presentation sequence for the next day by letting candidates pick a number from a hat. It may help reduce anxiety to know when they’re scheduled to present.) Offer your assistance to any candidate who wishes to stay after for a few minutes. Strongly encourage candidates to do so. Ask them to call classmates for support, encouragement and suggestions. Anxiety is natural before the 20 minute presentation, but pay special attention to any candidates who seem especially worried or lost. SBDI Course u NYSED © 2010

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